「阿南市長、一戸10万円給付」 | 阿波の梟のブログ









The mayor's promise of a 100,000 yen payment per household is a clear example of populism, causing serious administrative concerns as it erodes the city's sustainable fund. Firstly, forcibly depleting the sustainable fund has a significant impact on the future stability of the city. The fund is crucial for the city to respond promptly and effectively in emergencies or disasters. At a time when preparations for large-scale disasters like the Nankai Trough earthquake are essential, a reduction in the fund jeopardizes the safety of citizens.

Secondly, the mayor's populist approach may have brought short-term victories in the election, but it sacrifices the city's long-term development and stability. Citizens may be attracted to temporary economic benefits, but reducing funds meant for addressing future crises is not a responsible political action.

Politicians should have a sense of responsibility towards citizens and make choices that ensure sustainable development and safety.

Finally, fiscal measures can only be implemented through careful planning and having adequate funds in place. True leadership involves acting not for short-term gains but to secure the overall welfare and safety of the entire citizenry.

In conclusion, the mayor's populist promises reflect actions far from responsible political conduct. Citizens face future instability and danger, and genuine leaders should prioritize the prosperity and safety of the city over temporary popularity.