呪い(のろい、詛い)の概要 | 阿波の梟のブログ




  1. 定義と起源:

    • 呪いは、人または霊が、物理的手段を用いずに精神的あるいは霊的な手段で、悪意をもって他者や社会に対して災厄や不幸をもたらそうとする行為を指す。
    • 特に人が人を呪い殺す場合は、古来日本では呪詛(じゅそ、ずそ、しゅそ)や調伏(ちょうぶく、じょうぶく)と呼ばれる。
  2. 言葉の起源と意味:

    • 「呪う」という言葉は「祝詞(のりと)」と同じ語源を持ち、古代の言霊信仰に由来する。
    • 日本では既に死者や神霊がなす呪いを「祟り」と呼び、呪いとは異なることがある。
  3. 呪いの具体的手法:

    • 呪いは生きた人間による場合、呪文、祈祷、その他の言語的、呪術的、宗教的な行為によって行われる。
    • 宗教や文化によって異なり、神や悪魔の力を借りたり、自身の霊能力を行使したりすると考えられる。
  4. 日本における呪詛と法律:

    • 現代の法体系では呪詛そのものは犯罪ではなく、処罰できない。ただし、呪いを知らせて相手を脅迫した場合は法律違反として摘発されることがある。
  5. 呪いの例:

    • 知られた例として、陰陽師や神話・伝説に登場する魔法使いによってかけられる呪いが挙げられる。
    • 呪いは現代でも怪談やホラー系の創作や都市伝説のテーマとして頻繁に取り上げられる。
  6. 呪い返し:

    • 呪いに対抗するための手法として「呪い返し」が存在し、魔除けや厄除けなど様々な手法が使われてきた。


Overview of "呪い" (Curse):

  1. Definition and Origin:

    • A curse, or "呪い" in Japanese, refers to the intentional act by a person or spirit to bring calamity or misfortune upon others through spiritual or supernatural means, without resorting to physical methods.
    • Particularly in ancient Japan, there was a term called "呪詛" (juso, zuso, shuso) for curses intended to harm or kill individuals, and it was sometimes referred to as "調伏" (choubuku, joubuku), implying suppression under the pretext of considering the target as "evil."
  2. Origin and Meaning of the Term:

    • The word "呪う" (norou) shares its etymological roots with "祝詞" (norito), and it is believed to have originated from ancient beliefs in the power of spoken words.
    • In Japan, the term "祟り" (tatari) is often used to distinguish curses cast by deceased individuals, animals, or spirits. Unlike curses, the word "祟り" carries a more supernatural connotation.
  3. Specific Methods of Cursing:

    • When curses are performed by living individuals, they are often executed through incantations, prayers, or other linguistic, magical, or religious practices.
    • The specific methods vary based on religious and cultural backgrounds, involving beliefs in the assistance of powerful spirits, gods, demons, or the use of one's own spiritual abilities. In Japan, the ritual known as "丑の刻参り" (Ushi no koku mairi) is a representative example of a cursing ritual.
  4. Cursing in Japan and Legal Implications:

    • In contemporary Japan, the legal system does not recognize supernatural phenomena, making cursing itself non-punishable. However, instances of revealing the act of cursing, such as by showing a straw doll traditionally used in Ushi no koku mairi, can lead to charges under laws related to threats or stalking.
  5. Examples of Curses:

    • Known examples include curses cast by onmyoji (陰陽師) or witches in Japanese folklore and mythology.
    • Curses continue to be popular themes in contemporary storytelling, including horror genres, urban legends, and mysteries with a supernatural twist.
  6. Cursing Back:

    • Various methods of countering curses, known as "呪い返し" (noroi kaeshi), exist. These include practices like using salt as a protective barrier or performing purification rituals like "いぶき" (ibuki), where breath is blown onto the target for cleansing.

This overview provides insights into the concept of curses, their historical and cultural contexts in Japan, and how they have been addressed over time.