温州ミカンのパワー | 阿波の梟のブログ





  • ビタミンC:免疫力向上と美容 抗酸化作用のあるビタミンCは白血球を助け、ウイルスと戦い、免疫機能を向上させ、風邪の予防に寄与します。また、ストレス軽減やシミ・そばかす予防など肌の健康を整える作用が期待され、美容にも効果的です。

  • β-クリプトキサンチン:骨の健康とアンチエイジング β-クリプトキサンチンは必要に応じてビタミンAに変換され、視覚・皮膚・粘膜の正常な機能に寄与します。血中のβ-クリプトキサンチン量が高いと骨代謝がサポートされ、骨粗しょう症のリスクが低くなることが研究で示されており、糖尿病や動脈硬化などの生活習慣病にくるこみにくくなります。

  • クエン酸:疲労回復 過度な運動や不摂生な生活が続くと、細胞が酸化されて疲れてきます。クエン酸は酸化された細胞を修復するエネルギーの生成をサポートし、エネルギー代謝がスムーズに行われることで細胞が元気になり、疲労回復につながります。




  • 扁平で重みのあるものを選びます。扁平なほど余計な空気が入らず、実がギュッと詰まっているため味が濃いです。
  • 果皮がハリがあり、色づきが良いものを選びます。ハリがある果皮は甘みがある傾向があります。
  • ヘタの切り口が小さいものを選びます。ヘタの切り口が小さいと軸が細く、栄養が多く送られるため味が濃いです。


  • 冷凍保存もでき、急速に冷凍すると味が向上します。皮を剥いた状態やアルベド付きの状態で保存することができます。




Mikan (mandarin orange) has approximately 34kcal per one, making it surprisingly low in calories due to its high water content. It is rich in various nutrients, including Vitamin C, B-vitamins (B1, pantothenic acid, niacin, folic acid), Vitamin E, minerals such as potassium, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, β-cryptoxanthin, dietary fiber, fructose, citric acid, and polyphenols like hesperidin.

Benefits of Key Nutrients:

  • Vitamin C for Immune Health and Beauty: Vitamin C, with its antioxidant properties, aids white blood cells in combating viruses, enhancing immune function, and is known to prevent colds. It also contributes to skin health, reducing stress, and preventing dark spots and freckles.

  • β-Cryptoxanthin for Bone Health and Anti-Aging: β-Cryptoxanthin, converted to Vitamin A as needed, supports normal vision, skin, and mucous membrane health. Higher levels of β-Cryptoxanthin in the blood are associated with lower risks of osteoporosis and lifestyle diseases like diabetes and atherosclerosis, showcasing potential anti-aging effects.

  • Citric Acid for Fatigue Recovery: Citric acid supports energy production during the repair of oxidized cells, aiding in cell revitalization and fatigue recovery, especially after strenuous activities or unhealthy lifestyles.

Eating the White Strings (Albedo) and Peel:

The white strings on the back of the peel, called "albedo," contain hesperidin (Vitamin P), working with Vitamin C to strengthen capillaries. This enhances blood circulation, contributes to immune regulation, and reduces harmful (LDL) cholesterol. Albedo also contains ample fiber, beneficial for improving intestinal health.

Selecting and Storing Mikan:

  • Choose flat-shaped, weighty mikans as they indicate a denser and more flavorful fruit.
  • Look for mikans with firm and well-colored peels, indicating sweetness and rich nutrition.
  • Select mikans with small stems as they indicate a thinner axis, allowing more nutrition to be transported to the fruit.
  • Store mikans at room temperature in a cool, ventilated place. Refrigerate house mikans during hot weather to prevent drying.
  • Freeze mikans for extended storage, with rapid freezing recommended for better taste. Peel-intact mikans can be frozen twice for improved preservation.

Utilizing Mikan Peel:

Mikan peel, known as "chinpi" in traditional Chinese medicine, contains powerful compounds like hesperidin and limonene. It is utilized for improving blood flow, reducing stress, and alleviating throat and stomach discomfort. Drying the peel and consuming it in tea or as jam, or even using it for cleaning due to its limonene content, provides various benefits.

In conclusion, while enjoying the delicious and nutritious aspects of mikans, it's advisable to consume them in moderation to avoid "kanpi shou" (yellowing of palms and soles). A limit of around two mikans per day is suggested for a balanced and enjoyable intake.