ブロカ「運動性失語」とヴェルニッケ「感覚性失語」について | 阿波の梟のブログ











Broca's aphasia and Wernicke's aphasia are both terms that describe different types of aphasia, a language impairment. However, they have distinct features and causes.

Broca's aphasia, primarily caused by damage to the Broca's area in the left hemisphere of the brain, affects the motor language areas involved in language generation and expression. The characteristic of Broca's aphasia is difficulty in speaking and forming sentences. Patients struggle with word and grammar formation, and may have issues with word selection and fluency. However, their comprehension abilities are relatively preserved. In other words, due to difficulties in generating words, it becomes challenging for them to convey their intentions.

On the other hand, Wernicke's aphasia is mainly caused by damage to the Wernicke's area in the left hemisphere of the brain. This damage affects the sensory language areas involved in language comprehension and semantic processing. The characteristic of Wernicke's aphasia is difficulty in language comprehension. Patients cannot understand the meaning of words they hear or read, leading to confusion and word substitutions. They may have preserved fluency and grammar formation, but the lack of comprehension makes it difficult for them to engage in meaningful conversations.

Broca's aphasia and Wernicke's aphasia are known as subtypes of aphasia. They are caused by specific damage to certain brain regions, resulting in abnormalities in language generation or comprehension. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for appropriate treatment and language therapy tailored to individual patients.

For Broca's aphasia, the focus of treatment is improving word generation and expression. This may involve speech exercises, grammar and vocabulary training, and the use of communication aids. Additionally, physical therapy and brain rehabilitation may be employed to facilitate recovery of the affected brain regions.

For Wernicke's aphasia, the primary goal of treatment is improving language comprehension abilities. This may involve exercises and activities aimed at enhancing understanding of language meaning and context. Speech therapists may provide specific drills and exercises to strengthen listening and reading skills.

Since aphasia can vary in symptoms and recovery processes among individuals, treatment plans and therapies should be tailored to each person. Working in collaboration with professionals and receiving regular evaluations, patients can acquire better communication skills and improve language use in their daily lives.