03062012 LM.C WORLD TOUR LAST STAGE | Diabolus;Diabolos


- ディアボロス -


one yr passed
LM.C came again for a super duper galaxy live!!!
it's free standing live this yr in a extreme small venue
though is enough for fans

Firstly, I've been really felt in luv wif LM.C's live
They could make me tired and nearly die www
I could enjoy the live in Europe bandshow's style, i think www
and I'm just strength in live
actually Sen and me was standing in around roll 3 on the left hand side of the stage(bass side) and there are ppl around us at the very very beginning
but till 2nd MC of Maya i think? there are space around us for at least 1m radius
though I know I hit someone while I'm headbanging and jumping wwww
really sorry for that

ahhhhh ya!
I have very much eye contact wif mACKAz-san!!!
last yr he gave me a great impression!!!
and i juz want to make him feel great in the show.
ppl may focus on Maya and Aiji so much, I can understand
coz' they're the real? main? head? boss of LM.C
but in my opinion, i want to give gd or even great feeling to the supporter too.
and i choose mACKAz, becoz' he's the one who standing in front of me and gave me a great live last yr.
i felt so thankful for that
i hope i could see mACKAz here again wif LM.C////