2017 Ninth Haiku Meeting: September 16
Moderator: Crystal Brunelli
yellow, red leaves waving---
her signal
in mosaics
Yasuomi Koganei
blazing red
like my heart
a crepe myrtle
Osami Kawasaki
white flowers
a crepe myrtle
Osami Kawasaki
upon the delivery of
New Sake
preparing fresh scad
Kazuo Takayanagi
a falling paulownia leaf----
the first resolution
already lost
Kazuo Takayanagi
yellow school buses
cut short the summer leaving
bathing suits still wet
Stephen M. Block (USA)
even while walking
cell phones to the ear---nature
singing to herself
Stephen M. Block (USA)
holding a large boat
the seaman's thonged foot
on the dock line
Tomislav Maretic (Croatia)
the castle is ready
for the battle... an army
of tourists
Tomislav Maretic (Croatia)
on my walk today
saw my first Golden Plover
returned from Alaska
to winter in Hawai'i
now, no one at home to tell
Royal T. Fruehling, Hawai'i (USA)
screaming pheasant
it is a golden hen
walking the site
Hanne Hansen (Denmark)
Riapre la scuola
una fila ordinata
di grembiulini blu
Ann Mencarelli (Italy)
the school reopens
an orderly queue
of blue smocks
Ann Mencarelli (Italy)
cinque colombi
sgambettano nell'acqua
della fontana
Ann Mencarelli (Italy)
five pigeons
frolic in the water
of the fountain
Anna Mencarelli (Italy)
a purple cloud
over the trellis
wisteria scent
Leanne Mumford (Australia)
oh, fragile mountain hut!
shower of young acorns
warning missile J-alert!
Yuzu Sugita
Mt. Shirane
deepest blue volcanic water
mirrored in our eyes
Yuzu Sugita
autumn mosquito
an innermost feeling
Michi Umeda
stray hair
sticking to my face
late summer heat
Michi Umeda
after storm
gradually prevailing
clear blue
Masako Omaki
relax in the bath—
Wow! it’s time for
qigong class
Masako Omaki
reciting a sutra?
an incessant chorus
of evening cicadas
Sachiko Kondo
the wristwatch he left me
keeps calmly ticking
autumn deepening
Sachiko Kondo
all her life
sprinkling peace of happiness
a butterfly
Maki Hatanaka
Milky Way---
I may come anytime
if sometime
Ikken Ikemoto
smothering heat  I feel  I’m someone else
Ikken Ikemoto
the kitchen midden
of an ancient village
red spider lilies
Motoko Satoh
pear picking
tenderly lift it……yellow or
pink hips are best”
Motoko Satoh
turning off
the emergency news---
morning crickets chirp
Midori Tanaka
for myself
---night longer
Midori Tanaka
green eyed dragonfly
a jewel for old Showa boys
only in museum now!
Hideo Ebihara
white egret
glaring at a point of flow
--a Zen priest
Hideo Ebihara
on the tree bark
an autumn cicada cries----
this evening stillness
Michiko Murai
leaving footfalls
summer ended in quiet
Michiko Murai
infant sparrow’s death
swarm of ants
a solemn funeral
Takeo Hanaoka
toward darkness
cicadas crescendo chorus
their heyday
Takeo Hanaoka
whispering of leaves
fall at night
Yasuhiko Shirota
a missile fired”----
sweeping dead leaves as usual
Yasuhiko Shirota
typhoons, also creatures
some short-lived
some long
Takashi Ikari
artisan dreaming
to show fireworks
never seen before
Takashi Ikari
no sooner cut than its smell
all over the room
Juichi Masuda
jellyfish stepping
a dance of love in the spotlight
of the moon
Juichi Masuda
delicious grapes
sent from my hometown……
missing those days
Kiyoshi Sugita
this fall
more extreme-weather and –politicians
getting noticeable worldwide
Kiyoshi Sugita
what a coincidence!
a US haiku friend welcoming
at a Kamakura bistro
Masaaki Oka
Go, Pinot Noir!
for the second industry
we have raised
Masaaki Oka
reading while walking
not a smartphone but a book
eccentric old man
Crystal Brunelli