得意の笑顔みきかえる ... sfz しょぼん

Yeah yeah first entry since a long time ... somehow I didn't feel like writing something the whole time , and I still don't do it (iДi)

But okay somehow I need to write a little .. even a little bit .
I feel awful the last two days , I don't know why so suddenly , really I don't know .
My feelings = chaos . (:_;)

We work so much at home right now ... my room is almost ready in 2-3 days I can finally move in , and then I have my two rooms .
And the fucking weather in Germany is getting hot again ... means that my head will hurt the next days again the whole time . ( ̄Д ̄;;
And this night was so awful... ok the last 3 nights where awful but the last was the worst , I mean I couldn't sleep .. not even one fucking hour . At the end I where sitting on my bed and watched the whole time the moon T^T

I have to do so many things today too ...
I don't even hear music anymore しょぼん ... I don't feel like...
I hate the moments when I don't know whats right and wrong , when I try to do the right and then I do the wrong ... [ like always しょぼん ] ...

I'll be ... fine. ...

Pictures from the japanday :

Firework ドキドキ

They even made hearts in the sky .. しょぼん

Picture from last week ...ガーン

何を信じればいい? 誰を愛し求め合えばいいの?

僕は独り僕を裂いた ... ハートブレイク