



1. 強迫的な執着の形成



2. 現実との乖離の拡大



3. ストーキング行為の開始



4. エスカレートと境界線の侵犯



5. 脅迫や暴力の発生



6. 現実検討力の低下






Fantasy Wish Fulfillment is a psychological mechanism in romantic relationships where individuals attempt to fulfill their unmet desires through fantasies. This manifests in forms such as an attachment to an idealized image of the partner, projection of unfulfilled needs, compensation for lack of communication, and gratification of narcissistic desires.


However, when this Fantasy Wish Fulfillment takes an extreme form, it may develop into stalking crimes. The following is an analysis of the process from Fantasy Wish Fulfillment to stalking crimes.


1. Formation of obsessive attachment

An excessive idealization of the love interest and emotional dependency arise, forming an obsessive attachment. The individual becomes fixated on their fantasized image of the partner rather than the actual relationship.


2. Widening gap with reality

As the individual becomes engrossed in Fantasy Wish Fulfillment, the gap with the actual romantic relationship widens. They start to prioritize their own fantasies, ignoring the emotions and wishes of their partner.


3. Commencement of stalking behavior

To satisfy the desires that cannot be fulfilled in the actual relationship, the individual begins stalking behavior such as monitoring the partner's actions and following them around. This is also a behavior to maintain their own fantasies.


4. Escalation and violation of boundaries

The stalking behavior escalates, and the individual starts to violate the partner's privacy and personal boundaries. This includes excessive sending of phone calls and emails, staking out around their home, and barging into their workplace.


5. Occurrence of threats and violence

As the situation continues where Fantasy Wish Fulfillment is not satisfied, anger and aggression arising from frustration intensify. The possibility of engaging in criminal acts such as threatening or inflicting violence on the partner increases.


6. Decline in reality testing

Stalking offenders become unable to recognize the illegality and ethical issues of their actions. With the decline in reality testing, their fantasies are justified, leading to the justification of criminal acts.


Stalking crimes are the result of the offender's distorted views on love and wish fulfillment based on fantasies taking an extreme form. Fantasy Wish Fulfillment can provide temporary satisfaction, but excessive indulgence creates a gap with reality and hinders the building of a healthy relationship. It is important to maintain a balance between appropriate fantasy and reality while valuing communication and nurturing the actual romantic relationship.

Furthermore, to prevent stalking crimes, it is crucial to consult with the police or specialized agencies early on and implement appropriate interventions. Society as a whole must recognize the dangers of stalking crimes and engage in preventive education and awareness-raising activities. From a psychiatric perspective, understanding the psychological and developmental issues behind stalking offenders and providing appropriate treatment and counseling are also important challenges.