The10th I.S. on Prophet Muhammad (English)③ | 世界をみつめて




We are very sorry, unfortunately we don't have time so much. Please give us your question about what we said and other things.



Japanese working hard for JICA to develop Bangladesh were killed there by terrorists. How is that explained in Islam?



Thank you for your question. This is a deed that they can never justify in Islam. It's clearly stated in the Qur'an that Muslims believes in. "If any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people. And if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.” There isn't any relation between Islam and the terrorism, including the tragedy in Bangladesh and Syria. Please understand that it's a deed that they can never justify in Islam.



When Muslims live in the non-Muslim countries, the biggest difficulty to live as a Muslim, the experience of overcoming difficulties, if there are difficulties for you now and you want to share that with us, would you tell me about them one by one?



In my case there are Muslims around me in my college, and there are no obstacles for me to pray and fast. As a Japanese Muslim, I think there is the biggest difficulty. My parent have understanding so there is no difficulty for me. Especially in the case of converted Muslim, I think the biggest difficulty is the relationship with Japanese parent and relatives. The problem of the grave etc. In the rural areas there are a lot of people who haven't met Muslims, not only Japanese Muslims, so I think that how to understand about Islam is a big issue.



It is the question about difficulty, but there was no difficulty which I couldn't overcome as a Muslim until now, Alhamdullah. Because there were a lot of Muslims whom I can consult, for example Maeno san. So there is no difficulty to live in Japan. I think that it was happy.



I don't have much difficulty, but as a high school student, I watch Muslims around me, it's difficulty for us to tell our identity as Muslims to Japanese no-Muslim people, Because the image of Islam for Japanese is bad, when we tell our identity they would abuse and bully us. I think that it's the biggest difficulty for children not to be able to talk and establish their identity.



Also, I think that I will say the opposite from the question, but there may be problems in the Muslim community in Japan, Muslim society itself, but I think the difficulty isn't so big to practice Islam in Japanese society. I think that foreign Muslims here will also agree with me, you may hear the words "Japanese people are more like Muslims than Muslims." I always think that Japanese manners and life are beautiful and like Islam, I want to learn from them, when I meet Japanese people. in my case additionally there are also many Japanese who understand, I don't have complaints about Japanese society as a Muslim.



I'm sorry, we don't have time, please tell your opinion on behalf of female group.



I lived abroad and came to Japan 10 years ago. my first and second companies were Japanese companies. I thought that they don't understand about Islam at all. I asked to pray but they said, "We can't give you the time to pray." I said, "Some people take 20 minutes of smoking breaks, some people enjoy talking there, but I need only 5 minutes to pray." They said, "Someone will watch it." Then I said, "Please let me use a meeting room or vacant room." They said non-cooperatively  "There is no vacant room". It was difficulty for me. In order to solve it, I thought it's best to work for a foreign company and I changed jobs. Then I could solve totally.



I want to continue more, thank you for your attention. Semi-panel discussion of Muslims speaking Japanese language, how is it? Please feel free to contact and send us your impressions etc. We would appreciate your favor. Thank you very much for your kind attention.