国連総会におけるケネディ大統領「平和の建設」演説(全文+和訳)その④ | 平成の愚禿のプログ


Address to the United Nations’ General Assembly by John F. Kennedy about “the Task of Building the peace”, Delivered on September 20 in 1963. Part 4.

(…To be continued from the last article.

The United States since the close of the war has sent over $100 billion worth of assistance to nations seeking economic viability.

And 2 years ago this week we formed a Peace Corps to help interested nations meet the demand for trained manpower.

Other industrialized nations whose economies were rebuilt not so long ago with some help from us are now in turn recognizing their responsibility to the less developed nations.


The provision of development assistance by individual nations must go on.


But the United Nations also must play a larger role in helping bring to all men the fruits of modern science and industry.


A United Nations conference on this subject held earlier this year in Geneva opened new vistas for the developing countries.


Next year a United Nations Conference on Trade will consider the needs of these nations for new markets.


And more than four-fifths of the entire United Nations system can be found today mobilizing the weapons of science and technology for the United Nations' Decade of Development.

But more can be done.


A world centre for health communications under the World Health Organization could warn of epidemics and the adverse effects of certain drugs as well as transmit the results of new experiments and new discoveries.

Regional research centres could advance our common medical knowledge and train new scientists and doctors for new nations.

A global system of satellites could provide communication and weather information for all corners of the earth.

A worldwide program of conservation could protect the forest and wild game preserves now in danger of extinction for all time, improve the marine harvest of food from our oceans, and prevent the contamination of air and water by industrial as well as nuclear pollution.


And, finally, a worldwide program of farm productivity and food distribution, similar to our country's "Food for Peace" program, could now give every child the food he needs.

But man does not live by bread alone - and the members of this organization are committed by the Charter to promote and respect human rights.


Those rights are not respected when a Buddhist priest is driven from his pagoda, when a synagogue is shut down, when a Protestant church cannot open a mission, when a Cardinal is forced into hiding, or when a crowded church service is bombed.


The United States of America is opposed to discrimination and persecution on grounds of race and religion anywhere in the world, including our own Nation. We are working to right the wrongs of our own country.


Through legislation and administrative action, through moral and legal commitment this Government has launched a determined effort to rid our Nation of discrimination which has existed far too long - in education, in housing, in transportation, in employment, in the civil service, in recreation, and in places of public accommodation.


And therefore, in this or any other forum, we do not hesitate to condemn racial or religious injustice, whether committed or permitted by friend or foe.

I know that some of you have experienced discrimination in this country.


But I ask you to believe me when I tell you that this is not the wish of most Americans - that we share your regret and resentment - and that we intend to end such practices for all time to come, not only for our visitors, but for our own citizens as well.

I hope that not only our Nation but all other multiracial societies will meet these standards of fairness and justice.


We are opposed to apartheid and all forms of human oppression.


We do not advocate the rights of black Africans in order to drive out white Africans.


Our concern is the right of all men to equal protection under the law - and since human rights are indivisible, this body cannot stand aside when those rights are abused and neglected by any member state.

New efforts are needed if this Assembly's Declaration of Human Rights, now 15 years old, is to have full meaning.


And new means should be found for promoting the free expression and trade of ideas - through travel and communication, and through increased exchanges of people, and books, and broadcasts.


For as the world renounces the competition of weapons, competition in ideas must flourish - and that competition must be as full and as fair as possible.

The United States delegation will be prepared to suggest to the United Nations initiatives in the pursuit of all the goals.


For this is an organization for peace - and peace cannot come without work and without progress.

(…To be continued to the next article.