国連総会におけるケネディ大統領「平和の建設」演説(全文+和訳)その① | 平成の愚禿のプログ


Address to the United Nations’ General Assembly by John F. Kennedy about “the Task of Building the peace”, Delivered on September 20 in 1963. Part 1.

Mr. President - as one who has taken some interest in the election of Presidents, I want to congratulate you on your election to this high office - Mr. Secretary General, delegates to the United Nations, ladies and gentlemen:

We meet again in the quest for peace.


Twenty-four months ago, when I last had the honour of addressing this body, the shadow of fear lay darkly across the world.


The freedom of West Berlin was in immediate peril.


Agreement on a neutral Laos seemed remote.


The mandate of the United Nations in the Congo was under fire.


The financial outlook for this organization was in doubt.


Dag Hammarskjold was dead.


Dag Hammarskjold 19051961年)スウェーデンの政治家,国連事務総長,ノーベル平和賞受賞(1961)航空事故死。

The doctrine of troika was being pressed in his place, and atmospheric tests had been resumed by the Soviet Union.

the “troika” plan principle = トロイカ方式のことを指すと考える。

(名)三人の有力者、特に政治家による指導体制。元来、1960年、ソ連のフルシチョフ首相が国連の事務組織を改めて、NATO諸国,共産圏諸国,非同盟諸国を代表す三人からなる事務局の設立を提案したのに対して使われた呼称。(参考:「精選版 日本語大辞典」小学館刊)

Those were anxious days for mankind - and some men wondered aloud whether this organization could survive.


But the 16th and 17th General Assemblies achieved not only survival but progress.


Rising to its responsibility, the United Nations helped reduce the tensions and helped to hold back the darkness.

Today the clouds have lifted a little so that new rays of hope can break through.


The pressures on West Berlin appear to be temporarily eased.


Political unity in the Congo has been largely restored.


A neutral coalition in Laos, while still in difficulty, is at least in being.


The integrity of the United Nations Secretariat has been reaffirmed.


A United Nations Decade of Development is under way.


And, for the first time in 17 years of effort, a specific step has been taken to limit the nuclear arms race.


I refer, of course, to the treaty to ban nuclear tests in the atmosphere, outer space, and under water - concluded by the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States - and already signed by nearly 100 countries.


It has been hailed by people the world over who are thankful to be free from the fears of nuclear fallout, and I am confident that on next Tuesday at 10:30 o'clock in the morning it will receive the overwhelming endorsement of the Senate of the United States.


The world has not escaped from the darkness.


The long shadows of conflict and crisis envelop us still.


But we meet today in an atmosphere of rising hope, and at a moment of comparative calm.


My presence here today is not a sign of crisis, but of confidence.


I am not here to report on a new threat to the peace or new signs of war.


I have come to salute the United Nations and to show the support of the American people for your daily deliberations.

For the value of this body's work is not dependent on the existence of emergencies - nor can the winning of peace consist only of dramatic victories.


Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.


And however un-dramatic the pursuit of peace, that pursuit must go on.

Today we may have reached a pause in the cold war - but that is not a lasting peace.


A test ban treaty is a milestone - but it is not the millennium.


the millennium は厳密には新約聖書:黙示録201-7に記された「千年至福(期),千年王国」≪キリストが再臨してこの地上を統治するという神聖で平和な千年間≫のことを意味すると思われる。ただ上記のような比喩的な意味で使われていると解釈することが前後の文脈やこの演説を行った際の状況におけるケネディ大統領の意図にも沿うと考えるので、そのようにした。

We have not been released from our obligations - we have been given an opportunity.


And if we fail to make the most of this moment and this momentum - if we convert our new-found hopes and understandings into new walls and weapons of hostility - if this pause in the cold war merely leads to its renewal and not to its end - then the indictment of posterity will rightly point its finger at us all.


But if we can stretch this pause into a period of cooperation - if both sides can now gain new confidence and experience in concrete collaborations for peace - if we can now be as bold and farsighted in the control of deadly weapons as we have been in their creation - then surely this first small step can be the start of a long and fruitful journey.

The task of building the peace lies with the leaders of every nation, large and small.


(…To be continued to the next article