部分的核実験禁止条約締結に関するケネディ大統領TV演説(全文+和訳)その③ | 平成の愚禿のプログ


The Address to the Nation by John F. Kennedy about Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, delivered on 26 July 1963 Part 3

(・・・To be continued from the last article

Even then, the number of children and grandchildren with cancer in their bones, with leukemia in their blood, or with poison in their lungs might seem statistically small to some, in comparison with natural health hazards.


But this is not a natural health hazard, and it is not a statistical issue.


The loss of even one human life, or the malformation of even one baby, who may be born long after all of us have gone, should be of concern to us all.


Our children and grandchildren are not merely statistics toward which we can be indifferent.


Nor does this affect the nuclear powers alone.


These tests befoul the air of all men and all nations, the committed and the uncommitted alike, without their knowledge and without their consent.


That is why the continuation of atmospheric testing causes so many countries to regard all nuclear powers as equally evil; and we can hope that its prevention will enable those countries to see the world more clearly, while enabling all the world to breathe more easily.


Third, this treaty can be a step towards preventing the spread of nuclear weapons to nations not now possessing them.


During the next several years, in addition to the four current nuclear powers, a small but significant number of nations will have the intellectual, physical, and financial resources to produce both nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them.


In times, it is estimated, many other nations will have either this capacity or other ways of obtaining nuclear warheads, even as missiles can be commercially purchased today.


I ask you to stop and think for a moment what it would mean to have nuclear weapons in so many hands, in the hands of countries large and small, stable and unstable, responsible and irresponsible, scattered throughout the world.


There would be no rest for anyone then, no stability, no real security, and no chance of effective disarmament.


There would only be the increased chance of accidental war, and an increased necessity for the great powers to involve themselves in what otherwise would be local conflicts.


If only one thermonuclear bomb were to be dropped on any American, Russian, or any other city, whether it was launched by accident or design, by a madman or by an enemy, by a large nation or by a small, from any corner of the world, that one bomb could release more destructive power on the inhabitants of that one helpless city than all the bombs dropped in the Second World War.


Neither the United States nor the Soviet Union nor the United Kingdom nor France can look forward to that day with equanimity.


We have a great obligation, all four nuclear powers have a great obligation, to use whatever time remains to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, to persuade other countries not to test, transfer, acquire, possess, or produce such weapons.


This treaty can be the opening wedge in that campaign.


It provides that none of the parties will assist other nations to test in the forbidden environments.


It opens the door for further agreements on the control of nuclear weapons, and it is open for all nations to sign, for it is in the interest of all nations, and already we have heard from a number of countries who wish to join with us promptly.


Fourth and finally, this treaty can limit the nuclear arms race in ways which, on balance, will strengthen our nation's security far more than the continuation of unrestricted testing.


For in today's world, a nation's security does not always increase as its arms increase, when its adversary is doing the same, and unlimited competition in the testing and development of new types of destructive nuclear weapons will not make the world safer for either side.


Under this limited treaty, on the other hand, the testing of other nations could never be sufficient to offset the ability of our strategic forces to deter or survive a nuclear attack and to penetrate and destroy an aggressor's homeland.


We have, and under this treaty we will continue to have, the nuclear strength that we need.


It is true that the Soviets have tested nuclear weapons of a yield higher than that which we thought to be necessary, but the hundred megaton bomb of which they spoke two years ago does not and will not change the balance of strategic power.


The United States has chosen, deliberately, to concentrate on more mobile and more efficient weapons, with lower but entirely sufficient yield, and our security is, therefore, not impaired by the treaty I am discussing.


It is also true, as Mr. Khrushchev would agree, that nations cannot afford in these matters to rely simply on the good faith of their adversaries.


We have not, therefore, overlooked the risk of secret violations.


(・・・to be continued to the next article