The Address to the Nation by John F. Kennedy about Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, delivered on 26 July 1963 Part 2
(・・・to be continued from the last article)
But it is an important first step -- a step towards peace, a step towards reason, a step away from war.
Here is what this step can mean to you and to your children and your neighbors:
First, this treaty can be a step towards reduced world tension and broader areas of agreement.
The Moscow talks have reached no agreement on any other subject, nor is this treaty conditioned on any other matter.
Under Secretary Harriman made it clear that any nonaggression arrangements across the division in Europe would require full consultation with our allies and full attention to their interests.
He also made clear our strong preference for a more comprehensive treaty banning all tests everywhere, and our ultimate hope for general and complete disarmament.
The Soviet Government, however, is still unwilling to accept the inspection such goals require.
No one can predict with certainty, therefore, what further agreements, if any, can be built on the foundations of this one.
They could include controls on preparations for surprise attack, or on numbers and type of armaments.
There could be further limitations on the spread of nuclear weapons.
The important point is that efforts to seek new agreements will go forward.
But the difficulty of predicting the next step is no reason to be reluctant about this step.
Nuclear test ban negotiations have long been a symbol of East-West disagreement.
If this treaty can also be a symbol, it can symbolize the end of one era and the beginning of another -- if both sides can by this treaty gain confidence and experience in peaceful collaboration-then this short and simple treaty may well become an historic mark in man's age-old pursuit of peace.
Western policies have long been designed to persuade the Soviet Union to renounce aggression, direct or indirect, so that their people and all people may live and let live in peace.
The unlimited testing of new weapons of war cannot lead towards that end.
But this treaty, if it can be followed by further progress, can dearly move in that direction.
I do not say that a world without aggression or threats of war would be an easy world.
It will bring new problems, new challenges from the Communists, new dangers of relaxing our vigilance or of mistaking their intent.
But those dangers pale in comparison to those of the spiraling arms race and a collision course towards war.
Since the beginning of history, war has been mankind's constant companion.
It has been the rule, not the exception.
Even a nation as young and as o peace-loving as our own has fought through eight wars.
And three times in the last two years and a half I have been required to report to you as President that this nation and the Soviet Union stood on the verge of direct military confrontation -- in Laos, in Berlin, and in Cuba.
A war today or tomorrow, if it led to nuclear war, would not be like any war in history.
A full-scale nuclear exchange, lasting less than 60 minutes, with the weapons now in existence, could wipe out more than 300 million Americans, Europeans, and Russians, as well as untold millions elsewhere.
And the survivors, as Chairman Khrushchev warned the Communist Chinese, "the survivors would envy the dead."
For they would inherit a world so devastated by explosion and poison and fire that today we cannot even conceive of its horrors.
So let us try to turn the world away from war.
Let us make the most of this opportunity, and every opportunity, to reduce tension, to slow down the perilous nuclear arms race, and to check the world's slide toward final annihilation.
Second, this treaty can be a step towards freeing the world from the fears and dangers of radioactive fallout.
Our own atmospheric tests last year were conducted under conditions which restricted such fallout to an absolute minimum.
But over the years the number and the yield of weapons tested have rapidly increased and so have the radioactive hazards from such testing.
Continued unrestricted testing by the nuclear powers, joined in time by other nations which may be less adept in limiting pollution, will increasingly contaminate the air that all of us must breathe.