次回は(What I feel like attempting next ariticle) | 平成の愚禿のプログ

次回は(What I feel like attempting next ariticle)


Good evening my precious friends. it is getting warmer and warmaer during during morning and evening, isn' it in which you live?

次回のトピックについて考えていたのですが、ケネディ大統領の公民権演説を受けて、同年に行われたキング牧師の“I have a dream"演説の日本語訳にチャレンジしたいと思います。

I'm thinking about what kind of speech I should try to transulate into Japanese in full verson.


I expect through this translation, we can learn the decade of 1960's situation of the segregations in US.


Have a nice weekend.