ケネディ「公民権(または「市民権」)演説(全文+和訳)その③END | 平成の愚禿のプログ



1. The lack of an adequate education denies the Negro a chance to get a decent job.


2. The orderly implementation of the Supreme Court decision, therefore, cannot be left solely to those who may not have the economic resources to carry the legal action or who may be subject to harassment.


3. Other features will be also requested, including greater protection for the right to vote.


4. But legislation, I repeat, cannot solve this problem alone.


5. It must be solved in the homes of every American in every community across our country.


6. In this respect I wanna pay tribute to those citizens North and South who've been working in their communities to make life better for all.


7. They are acting not out of sense of legal duty but out of a sense of human decency.


8. Like our soldiers and sailors in all parts of the world they are meeting freedom's challenge on the firing line, and I salute them for their honor and their courage.


9. My fellow Americans, this is a problem which faces us all -- in every city of the North as well as the South.

アメリカ国民の皆さん、 -- 南部のみならず北部の全ての都市において、これは私たち全員が直面する問題なのです。

10. Today, there are Negroes unemployed, two or three times as many compared to whites, inadequate education, moving into the large cities, unable to find work, young people particularly out of work without hope, denied equal rights, denied the opportunity to eat at a restaurant or a lunch counter or go to a movie theater, denied the right to a decent education, denied almost today the right to attend a State university even though qualified.


11. It seems to me that these are matters which concern us all, not merely Presidents or Congressmen or Governors, but every citizen of the United States.


12. This is one country.


13. It has become one country because all of us and all the people who came here had an equal chance to develop their talents.


14. We cannot say to ten percent of the population that you can't have that right; that your children cannot have the chance to develop whatever talents they have; that the only way that they are going to get their rights is to go in the street and demonstrate.


15. I think we owe them and we owe ourselves a better country than that.


16. Therefore, I'm asking for your help in making it easier for us to move ahead and to provide the kind of equality of treatment which we would want ourselves; to give a chance for every child to be educated to the limit of his talents.


17. As I've said before, not every child has an equal talent or an equal ability or equal motivation, but they should have the equal right to develop their talent and their ability and their motivation, to make something of themselves.


18. We have a right to expect that the Negro community will be responsible, will uphold the law, but they have a right to expect that the law will be fair, that the Constitution will be color blind, as Justice Harlan said at the turn of the century.


1896518日に下されたプレッシー対ファーガソン裁判(Plessy v. Ferguson)の連邦最高裁判所の判決において、公共施設での黒人の分離政策を合衆国憲法14条に照らして合憲とした多数意見に対して「・・・憲法上の、法的観点から見ると、この国には優位に立つどのような支配階級も存在しない。カースト制度はここにはない。我々の憲法は色盲で、市民の中のどちらの階級も知らずまた許容しない。・・・」とする旨の反対意見を述べたジョン・マーシャル・ハーラン判事を指すと考える。



・プレッシー対ファーガソン裁判(ウェキペディア フリー百科事典)




19. This is what we're talking about and this is a matter which concerns this country and what it stands for, and in meeting it I ask the support of all our citizens.


20. Thank you very much.
