

There was a live streaming show about Devil in a Dress today. 


この映画を作ったのは、Newzealand Son Filmsといって、私がアメリカへ移住して以来、ずっとお世話になっている映画製作会社です。


This movie is made by Newzealand Son Films. Since I moved to United States, they have been looking after me so well.  


このNewzealand Son Filmsという会社が出来るに至った経緯というのが、とても興味深く、私が彼らの事を人として大好きになった理由の一つでもあり、私の考え方というか生き方と通ずる所があるので、ここで紹介しておきますね。


One of my favorite story about them is how they decided to set up their own production company. Which is very similar to the way I think and the way I live a life. So, I would like to introduce it to you guys a bit here. 




This film production company is running by Father and Son : Sean and Taylor King family.  


左がショーンさん で 右が テイラーさん

Sean on the left, Taylor on the right. 





One day, Taylor asked his father Sean that he wants to go to filming school to learn how to make movies. 

But Sean has been working in the film industry for a long time. So, he said to Taylor that instead paying the money for learning how to make movies, let's get the gears and make the movies together to learn from actual movies making experiences. 

That is the reason they started running the production company.  




I came and grew up from the demolition industry and all my masters only told me that watch and learn from actually doing it. Since when I was a teenager, my motto is still " Do it anyway then learn from mistakes." So, I sympathize with the way they do things so much. 


では何故ニュージーランド サン フィルムズなのかと言いますと、ショーンさんの奥さん、シャロンさんがニュージーランドの方で、テイラーさんはそのお母さんの息子という事で、その会社名になったそうです。 


But why thier company is called "Newzealand Son Films" even it's based in Los Angeles. That's because Sean's wife Sharon is from Newzealand. And her son is Taylor. So, their son's production company "Newzealand Son Films".




I thought that's a beautiful thing to do. I thought if I have my own family, I would like to make a family like them. 

Well... Realistically, I am pretty much expired man.... So, it's quite impossible to make it happen but... hahaha.   







Since the story went on the side track, I would like to go back talking about the movie. 


They both have got their own projects. And when one of them directing own project, another person produce his project. This is how they work together. 

And this Devil in a Dress is Sean's project. So, Taylor is producing it.  




I will talk about the movie when the movie comes out. So, this time I would like to introduce you cast members of the movie. 


まずは 主役のクリスティアーナ ダイアさん。

First one is the main actress, Cristiana Daia.  


とても綺麗な女優さんですよね。 彼女は女優さんですが、元々ルーマニア出身のモデルさんで、日本にもモデルの仕事で行ったことがあるんですよ。




She is beautiful isn't she? She is an actress but also a model from Rumania and she went to Japan as a Model when she was younger. 

Real her is very easy going, laughing so much and very kind nice person. She is more like a funny comedy girl instead of a serious model type.

Since we worked together for this one, we became a good friends.  



Here is the one of the first scene we worked together. 



そしてもう一人のヒロインは、ジャズ エガーさん。 

And second main actress is Jazz Egger. 


この人もまた綺麗な人ですよね。 彼女はオーストリア出身のモデルさんです。ハリウッドで役者としても活動しています。





She is also beautiful isn't she? She is a model from Austria. and she is also work as an actor here in Hollywood. 

Actually, we didn't have the same scenes in the film. So, this live streaming event was the first time I met her. 

Now, she is back in Europe. And because of this COVID19, she can't come back to U.S. So, she is waiting for this lockdown is over. So, she can come back in LA. 

Hoping to catch up properly with everybody when she gets back in LA. 



Here is the snap shot from her scene. 





And then ofcourse it's me, Nobuaki Shimamoto. 



I met Sean and Taylor over a year ago. and I played Toshiro Mifune hommage character for thier another feature film project. This movie is actually completed and ready to go. But there are several reasons the release date will have to be sometimes in the future. I will let you know when this is coming out to the public. 






I would like to show you some more snap shots from the movie and the movie trailer for Japan at the end. 

When this movie is released, I would like to write about this movie again. 

Bye for now! 



Devil in a Dress Japanese Trailer / ドレスを着た悪魔 予告編