No one should ever cut flowers from where they are growing. Discuss.

   What kind of mood are you in when you want to decorate flowers in your room? Flowers have many kinds of colors, therefore, these colors sometimes encourage people who feel depressed, calm down people who get angry, or make people who have joyous events happier. Nowadays, there is a custom of giving a bouquet of flowers in every country, however, Japan didn’t have such a custom in ancient times and it took a long time for it to take root among ordinary people. This is because flowers were awe-inspiring for ordinary people as the Emperor used to give flowers to decorate the aristocracies’ crowns. Whereas, flower arrangements called “Kado (華道)” or “Ikebana (生け花)” are one of the unique Japanese practices and developed with tea ceremonies inspired by Buddhism. In recent years, Japanese flower arrangements are popular all over the world.
   In Japan, people have believed in natural elements (such as the sky, seas, mountains, trees, animals, water, and fire) as Gods based on the Japanese religion Shinto. This belief may contradict flower arrangements because it needs to cut flowers from where they are growing. However, flowers and plants can sustain their own lives unlike animals as long as they are treated properly, even if they are cut out. It is thought that Japanese people have developed unique flower arrangements by understanding this mysterious characteristic of flowers and plants.
   In the UK, people usually buy flowers at shops on the way home on Friday. This is because they give flowers to their partners or enjoy their lives with colorful flowers on the weekend. The latest flower trend is the “jumping bouquet” style. The style involves the different height of flowers and plants in so that they are not lined up deliberately. It looks like each flower is jumping out of the bouquet. The flowers not only look lively and energetic but also have the space to take “deep breaths” in the bouquets.
   As for both Japanese flower arrangements and the UK jumping flower bouquets, human beings have made convenient excuses to accept them as a culture or custom. This is because we don’t actually think that it is good that human beings cut flowers from where they are growing. However, flowers make good presents for all ages and give us positive benefits when incorporating them in our daily lives. For example, we can release our stress and feel relaxed when seeing flowers. Furthermore, we try to clean our rooms unconsciously when decorating flowers because we don’t want to destroy the beauty of the flowers. Why don’t you decorate your room with your favorite or seasonal flowers? Unless, of course, you are allergic to flowers.

I think that dandelions are the best flowers. My reasons are…

1.  Dandelions have another name: “Taraxacum”. It means to cure pains in Greek.

2.  Dandelions have strong vitality. They grow out of cracks in the asphalt when spring has come. It really encourages us.

3.  The language of dandelion is “sincere love”. In Europe, dandelions have been known as love fortune-telling among young people.