Everyone needs to conserve water immediately. Discuss.

   Whenever we turn on a faucet, it provides us with enough water. Don’t you think that you take it for granted? Water is a limited resource, however, we usually forget this fact in our daily lives. About 70 percent of the Earth is sea water. However, we can’t make sea water into water we use for our daily lives without processing it. Sea water evaporates and turns into clouds, and then, rain from the clouds pours into rivers, lakes, reservoirs, or grounds. Therefore, we can use water in our daily lives due to this filtration process. However, about 35 percent of rain evaporates before it reaches the Earth. We can use only a small amount of rain as daily life water. In Japan, it is calculated that one person uses 250 liters of water per day. We have to save water in our everyday lives to conserve the Earth’s precious water resources. If we save water, it can save electricity and prevent the emission of carbon dioxide as well.
   To conserve our water resources, we need to pay attention to the quality of water and marine pollution. Sewage contamination is a serious problem regarding the relationship between water and our daily lives. In Japan, the water pollution caused by industrial wastes was a social problem in the past. The problem is improving due to the regulations by the government, whereas it is more serious that rivers are contaminated by wasted water from homes. Once rivers are contaminated, it takes a lot of time, money, and effort to restore the clean water. We need to reduce wasted water from our bathrooms, kitchens, and washing machines to maintain a clean water environment. If we pour a cup of milk down the kitchen sink, it needs 11 bathtubs of clean water to clear the milk from sewage system. If we discard even a little bit of something, it puts a huge burden on improving the quality of water.
   In recent years, plastic microchips are a serious problem for marine contamination. The finely crushed plastics are not integrated in nature, that is, these materials remain in the sea. Ecosystems are destroyed because sea creatures eat these plastics. We cannot completely stop using plastic products that are indispensable for our daily lives. However, we can keep these products to a minimum usage. As the first step, it is important for us to learn that water is a limited resource and we can only use a small amount of water. If we know the facts, we will think about what we can do to conserve water.

I think that hose pipes are the biggest waste of this valuable resource. My reasons are…

1.  Hose pipes are convenient to wash cars. However, it is better to use buckets to save water.

2.  When you water flowers and trees in your garden, you can save water by using rainwater more than tap water through hose pipes.

3.  If you purchase a shower hose pipe with a hand switch, it is easy to save water.