We should start worrying about the death of the Sun. Discuss.

   Did you know that the Sun has a lifespan? The Sun rises from the east and goes down in the west every day. We take this action for granted and many people don’t even appreciate it. In fact, in our daily lives, we forget that we can’t live without the Sun despite receiving many benefits from the Sun. However, everything has a lifespan.
   The Sun’s life will come to an end in 10 billion years. At the end of its life, the Sun will emit all of its hydrogen until only helium is left in its core. The Sun will turn into a “red giant” because of an explosive reaction due to this phenomenon. The death of the Sun will surely affect our Earth. It is predicted that the Earth will be filled with greenhouse gases after the Sun dies. This is because the Sun emits hydrogen completely, and then strong sunlight and heat waves from the Sun will impact the Earth. Everyone will die because the sunlight and heat waves are so strong that all oceans will dry up. That is, the death of the Sun means the death of the Earth.
   However, it is possible that people could live on other planets after the death of the Sun. Some space development organizations such as NASA or JAXA have started to conduct research on immigration plans on Mars or other planets. They haven’t found a place that we can live yet except for the Earth, but they may discover it in 10 billion years. It is very difficult for us to imagine our future in 10 billion years. Therefore, it is wise that we should think about how to keep our Earth beautiful and clean in the next 10 years.

I think that the Moon is the most interesting thing in space. My reasons are…

1.  People’s expressions about the pattern of the Moon is different depending on the country. For example, one pattern in Korea and Japan is rabbits pounding steamed rice. However, it is a donkey in South America, a woman’s profile in Eastern Europe, and a toad in China.

2.  Nobody can own the Moon because of the Outer Space Treaty.

3.  A famous Japanese author translated “I love you” in English into “The Moon is beautiful “in Japanese. It means that a man and a woman see the same beautiful moon together and they can share their feelings with each other.