Nuclear war is the biggest danger to the world today. Discuss.

   In Japan, August 15th is the memorial day for the end of World War II. Although Japan admitted to the defeat of the war and promised to obey the victorious nations by penning the official document on September 2nd in 1945, the Emperor told all the people that Japan lost the war on the radio on August 15th. Therefore, the memorial day for the war is set on August 15th. Before the Emperor’s address, atomic bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US. Therefore, Japan had no choice but to accept the end of the war. Every year in August, the Japanese government holds peace memorial ceremonies for Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and all over Japan.
   The peace memorial ceremonies are broadcasted live on TV from Hiroshima and Nagasaki every year. Japanese school students always visit the atomic bomb museums in Hiroshima or Nagasaki on their school trips. However, there are few opportunities for Japanese people to listen to the tragic experiences from atomic bomb survivors called “Hibakusha” except for people living in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Therefore, most Japanese people, especially young generations, can’t think of atomic bombs as a personal problem in spite of Japan being the only country to have suffered atomic bombs. Additionally, students don’t learn about the Japanese modern and current history in detail at junior high and high schools in Japan. This can be one of the reasons that people don’t seriously think about the terror of atomic bombs.
   It is important that the Japanese prime minister or leaders address atomic bombs as representatives of the only country to have suffered atomic bombs in various international conferences such as United Nations and the conference of Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. However, it is more important that all people listen to the experience from Hibakusha and think about now Hibakusha lived their ordinary lives the same as us before suffering from the atomic bombs. It will be difficult for all nuclear weapon states to dispose of nuclear weapons at the same time immediately. However, it is possible to prevent aa third tragedy by an atomic bomb. To accomplish this, we need to learn the cause of a war from the past and change the tragic experiences to a bright future. We should never forget that leaders of nuclear weapon states who carry around nuclear buttons today.

I think that US-China Relations are the world’s biggest flashpoint. My reasons are…

1.  China started military training exercises near Taiwan as soon as the Speaker of the US House Representative decided to visit Taiwan.

2.  The US is being cautious about China as a country disturbing the international common establishment and organization.

3.  China is uncomfortable with the US disturbing China’s developments.