There should be a limit of 35 hours on everyone's working week.

   In Japan, working time is defined working for as less than 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week by the labor law. If employees under the law work overtime or work on their days off, their employers have to pay an extra allowance or provide additional days off to the employees. Although the difference of working time depends on the occupation, many companies adopt the 8-hour workday system.
   In the UK, people worked for 13 hours per day 500 years ago. During the industrial revolution, people worked for 18 hours per day to increase productivity, and eventually they became sick and their lives collapsed. Therefore, the campaign for improving such a terrible labor situation started all over the world in the 1800’s. In the US, many people went on strike demanding an 8-hour workday in 1886. The slogan of the strike was 8 hours for work, 8 hours for sleep and 8 hours for their free time. After the strike, many experiments were conducted to find the most efficient working hours. As a result of these experiments, working for 8 hours was proven to be the best working period to improve productivity. Therefore, the 8-hour workday system was popularized all over the world and became the labor standard due to its adoption by the International Labor Organization in 1919.
   In Japan, the working time has decreased since 30 years ago; however, we can see that the result has caused the increase of part-time workers. Actually, many people work more than 8 hours per day. According to the work hours ranking, Korean people work the most for a long time; however, it is said that Japanese people work too much. We expected that the working hours of business people would decrease because they could work from home due to the coronavirus pandemic; however, there are actually no limits to working time when at home. I think that we may be able to prevent long hours of work, if companies can judge our achievement at work precisely.

I think that a soccer coach is the most stressful job. My reasons are…

1.  Soccer coaches feel stressed all the time because they have to make their team win in every match.

2.  It is very stressful to put all the players together because each soccer player has an individual opinion.

3.  Soccer coaches need to not only plan excellent strategies but also build trust from their players.