A postcard is worth $15,000.

   The accident of the Titanic became well known all over the world by a movie about the story that was released in 1997. Many remaining possessions of the passengers and crew of the Titanic were sold at auctions up until now: for example, shavers, toys, pipes and a button of the captain’s uniform. These remains fascinate many people because they recognize the worth of the things as historical remains that were pulled up from the wreck lying at the bottom of the sea. Because of the story and items would be romantic and mysterious for many people.
   The Titanic was a luxury cruise ship that was built by a British company for cruises of the North Atlantic Ocean. It was said that the Titanic was unsinkable at that time; therefore, not only the designers and builders but also the crew and passengers, never doubted it because it was protected by advanced safety measures. However, the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank into the ocean on its maiden voyage in 1912. Although the movie: “Titanic” introduced the fact about the number of lifeboats, the Titanic wasn’t loaded with sufficient lifeboats for all passengers and crew. This fact was one of the reasons that many passengers and crew died. The cause of this accident is still unclarified; therefore, people have built up various different hypotheses.
   I’m surprised that a postcard written by a worker on the Titanic could fetch $15,000 at an auction. The person who acquired the postcard at the auction would recognize the monetary worth for the postcard. I’m really sad that the remains of accidents are still auctioned off as merchandise. It is likely that Jack Phillips’s sister has already passed away; however, I would like to return his postcard to his sister’s family because it is a priceless thing for the family. I’m sure he hopes that the family will receive the postcard.

I think that airplanes are the best way to travel. My reasons are…

1.  Airplanes are the fastest vehicle to arrive at destinations.

2.  You can enjoy the view of towns from the sky when the airplane takes off and lands.

3.  If you are lucky, you can see an aurora in an airplane.