かれの 映画は かわの ながれ の ようです 

His films are like a flowing river.


さくひん(映画)の なかに いっかんせい があります 

There is a consistency within the work (film). (There is internal consistency)


私のすきな 黒澤映画は 『ようじんぼう』『らしょうもん』『7にんの さむらい』です My favorite Kurosawa films are "Yojimbo", "Rashomon" and "Seven Samurai”.


This is the site of the former Rashomon Gate. All that remains now is a memorial stone tower.



It is said that the gate of the movie was made based on this gate. It is located in Tokyo.




でも わたしのすきな 映画の ひとつは くろさわ映画 では ないです

 But one of my favorite films is not a Kurosawa film.


その映画は はだかの しま です

 It's "The Naked Island".


かんとく は しんどう かねと です 

The director is Kaneto Shindo.


むせい映画 ではありませんが  ひとびとは はなさない です

 It's not a silent film, nevertheless, people don't talk.