渋谷少年Shibuya Boy -296ページ目
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"Rollcake"cylinder shaped cake ,roulleau or roulade in French, has been a huge boom all over Japan.

Developed its flavor with local fruits and products and sold online to develop local economy.

Now that boom is happening backin the center Tokyo,Harajuku. That's "HARAJUKU ROLL"

Colombin is located at the corner of where Omotesando,high street with brand shops and Meiji St.

It has long history and has been popular with rather Granma generation than young people. But now you can find gals and guys on St of Harajuku hanging "Harajuku roll" shopper.(see photo below)

Harajuku roll is consisted of rolled sponge cake with fresh cream and coarse sugar. It's soft'n creamy when you bite and at last feel the texture of sugar on your tongue.




Colombin has many chained store all over Japan but this Harajuku Roll is only sold at Harajuku main salon.

Colombin Harajuku main salon

6-31-19Jingumae Shibuya-ku Tokyo


コロンバン 原宿本店サロン


初日の出と富士山First Sunrise of 2010 and Mt.Fuji






These were taken on New Year's Day!

It's a kind of tradition to go'n see the first sunrise of the new year in Japan.

I went to see it in Enoshima. Enoshima is a small island in Shonan area.

For 4years at collage, i lived in Shonan area,which is the closest beach area from Tokyo. It gets so crowded in Summer.

What's good about seeing sunrise there is you see sun coming up from the horizon, right front of you and you can find Mt.fuji just behind you. The mountain has turned orange with twilight on it.



Whenever the season is, you can find beautiful sunrise there. The sea itself isn't that beautiful.

But it's fun if you go there in summer.

It's one of my favorite areas nearby Tokyo.

I get energy from seas.

(BTW it takes about 45min from Tokyo by Train.)

This is my first blog but it isn't at all "Shibuya"... sorry!

Shibuya Boy LUVS U


渋谷少年、誕生!When Shibuya Boy was born...









When I stand at the top of the uphill that leads to Shibuya station, I felt like "I'm on the top of the world".

Yes,there's "Shibuya ward" public office. You have to do the registration there when you move in Shibuya ward.

I was born in Nagoya,which is the 4th biggest city in Japan. Urban, but not "super urban". And then,I spent a year in England on Exchange program. Then I finished my collage in Kanagawa which is next prefecture to Tokyo. I moved to Tokyo for my job. That's shortly how i was made up.

What do I do?I'm editor for ladies fashion magazine.

Now I work for mens fashion magazine too.

That wasn't exactlly my "Dream Job".but I somewhat enjoy that.

It's my blog and kind of private novel to share what's happening to my life in Tokyo with everyone in the world.


If anyone's interested in my blog, please feel free to contact me for any requests,consulting, essay offer, interview,just you wanna know where to go, what to eat in Tokyo.

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