幕末の日本について報じたタイムスの記事(火) | 柴犬カン、福の日記







In spite of our resentment  against these overbearing Daimios,we cannot help admiring the military qualities and mechanical genius of the Japanese, as  exhibited in the late engagements with European shipa.The American vessel Wyoming lost sixteen men in her encounter with the forts and war steamers of prince NAGOTA, and had to sheer off at last.

The Dutchmen, being prepared,fared better,but one French ship was disabled and another a good deal injured.We have yet to hear what damage Prince SATSUMA’s artillery inflicted upon our fleet, but, judging from the casualties amang the man, it can hardly have  been trifling.The Chinese would have run away long before their town was in flames,and had not until very lately, if they now have, any ordnance equal to that manufactured in Japan.This is exactly what we had been led to expect.

Sir R .ALCOOK,who has no undue partiality for the country in which he lived so long in fear of  assassination,declares that  Japanese artificers are capable of competing with Sheffield and Birmingham on equal terms. They have not yet produced an Armstrong or a Whit-worth,but if they once get hold of a rifled gun they will certainly know how to imitated it and perhaps to improve upon it. While this aptitude for the production of destructive engines cannot afford us much pleasure just at present,it may well inspire us with respect for the intelligence and confidence in the future destiny of this extraordinary nation.The better the Japanese fight, even in the service of men like Prince NAGOTA and Prince SATSUMA, the more reluctant should we feel  to give up the prospect of peaceful and friendly intercourse with them.



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