



今週のテーマは 「懐かしい物」です!👏👏👏



その上、トンコハウスの「ダム キーパー」も入手されました。本来、今週のテーマは「懐かしい物」はずだと申しました。








「ダム キーパー」が見た以上、トンコハウスのように自分の作った話も完了して伝えたい。


ところで、「ダム キーパー」についてレビユウしたいけど、上手な日本語でまだできないと思いますから、これから レビユウは英語で話します。


Okay, to be honest I don’t think I can review the book in Japanese just yet because I have so many many many many great things to say about it and I feel more comfortable in my mother tongue. The Dam Keeper, as I have watched and read it time and again, is continuously changing my life.


Before watching The Dam Keeper, The only thing I could expect was that it was a story for children in similar light to the stories of Pixar and that was pretty much all I knew.


From the very first note and scene I was already entirely captivated by the film, and was captivated the whole way through. The story itself carries so much weight and depth without being incredibly convoluted. By the time I finished watching it I had completely forgotten that my first impression of it was that it was meant for a younger audience. 


It was then it felt like I realised several things at once; 

(1) this story respects that children are capable of understanding its concepts without being “dumbed down” for the sole purpose that they are a younger audience

(2) all adults were children once, this story can reignite many complex feelings that can come about that are not always age specific.


Before I get carried away, Contrary to what most reviews (I have read) say that the art or music alone are the most superior characteristics of the film, everything that makes this film what it is is entirely brilliant. The art perfectly complements yet contrasts the brilliant story and the music conducts the story in a way that it sort of makes you forget that the film is only 18 munites long. I don’t mean this in a bad wayat all, but that I love this property so much that I don’t think its fair to say that only the individual parts are good, the sum and individual parts are completely fantastic and I should probably stop talking about it now but I mean its just so good and perfect it honestly is I cant shut up about it.


Anyway, after watching the short film I was able to get copies of the graphic novel that continues the story. I was pretty nervous at first before reading it because I couldn’t even begin to imagine how to expand the story from when it ended, but having read the graphic novel, I was pleasantly surprised by how the story came about. Pig was already my favourite character in the short film and seeing more of his story and personality made me love his character even more. Until The Dam Keeper I had never seen a protagonist as complex, flawed and as daring as Pig. As someone who also had a very complex relationship with my father and father figures,  Pig and his story resonated with my strongly, to the point where I realised the portrayal of his emotions and thought process were so close to my own that it was scary. 


At this point I don’t really know what more to say about it not because I have nothing more to say but that I have too much to say and might not have the words for it.


In any case, I’d like to say that this was the first property that really made me consider dropping everything I have going on at the moment to either pursue working at Tonko House someday (lol idk a girl can dream leave me alone lol) or strive to finally have the ferocity to make my own work (whatever the medium may be).


To end this long winded review, Its good to see many new companies emerging in the industry with a unique voice. Most especially in this day and age, its easy to wonder whether or not your voice does matter and how it stands amongst a sea of many. Personally, I think that Tonko House has shown that it is in authenticity that great and unique stories can be told.