Hello everyone!音譜








Hey guys, cloudy weather here in Tokyo. Yesterday my back and shoulders were in pain from road biking so I went to my chiropractor/massage therapist and got all of my knots taken out. I felt great when I woke up this morning. After biking for a few hours in the hot sun the other day, I was in the mood for a cool and healthy dinner so this is what I made.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

冷やし、おろし納豆、オクラうどん!そして、お豆腐サラダ with 手作り、ゴマだれドレッシング!!アップ

Cold udon noodles with natto, grated daikon, and okra. I also made a nice tofu salad with homemade sesame dressing.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


While I was cooking, I couldn't help but take a photo of the okra. They are so cute!!! Little star okras. haha.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

今回はゴマダレドレッシングも作りましたよ!このドレッシング、私の今まで食べた美味しいドレッシングランキング、一位に入りました!合格 一回手作りのゴマダレを食べてから、もうお店で売ってるのが食べられなくなっちゃったんです!とっても簡単で本当に美味しいんです~!!一番時間がかかるのはごますり。細かくなるまでするのが美味しいゴマダレの元になります。私はポン酢、お醤油、お砂糖、お酒とすりごまをカノーラオイルと合わせてドレッシングを作ってますよ! サラダはとってもシンプルでレタス、トマトとお豆腐だけなのでベストマッチ!ドレッシングが美味しすぎてもうお腹がいっぱいだったのに食べ続けてました。ははは。にひひ

I made a homemade sesame dressing which came out fantastic! Other than the time consuming act of grinding the sesame seeds, its very easy to make, and once you eat homemade, there is no way that you are going back to store bought sesame dressing. I mixed the ground sesame seeds with ponzu, shoyu, sugar, sake and canola oil. Very simple, but this may be one of the best tasting dressings that I have ever eaten in my life.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


Cold udon noodles with natto, grated daikon, and okra. ALl I did was chill the noodles in ice water after boiling. Then I add the grated daikon and okra, along with natto that I chopped up to make more fine, and add some negi and nori on top. Add as much broth as you like and ta da~.
An delicious, healthy meal is complete. This is perfect for a hot summer day.



XOXO Love, シャウラドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ