Hello everyone!音譜







Hey guys!! For the past couple of days, we have been having some amazing weather here in Tokyo. You look up and you see bright blue skies painted with fluffy white clouds. Not only that, spring is here and that means cherry blossoms. Cherry blossom trees are starting to bloom all over the city right now and everywhere you look you get a glimpse of these magnificent trees with dainty pink and white flowers. They aren't in full bloom yet, but this morning after breakfast I decided to take a stroll and enjoy the lovely flowers. They have a light scent and their lovely perfume floated through the streets today. Needless to say, I had an amazing morning.




I've recently been trying again for the thousandth time to make the perfect pancake. Much harder than it seems....

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

出来上がりはこちら!!朝にホットケーキを作るとなんかハッピーで優雅な気持ちになるのは私だけでしょうか? フルーツにはイチゴ。そしてサイドにはウィンナー!合格

Pancakes for breakfast! They actually turned out to be pretty tasty! Strawberries for fruit and some sausages on the side. I love having pancakes for breakfast it makes me feel like a little kid.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


These are the first two pancakes that I made. The first on the left, the second on the right. The first one, as you can tell didn't come out so well, and the second one was still only a tad bit better. After about the third pancake I was starting to get the hang of it, but I really wish someone could tell me the secret to making a perfect pancake.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

今日見た桜です。本当に可愛くて、綺麗で、美しくて、心がトロ~ンとしました。ドキドキ しかも、今日見た桜はとっても甘い香りがしたんです!香りでは今日の桜が今までで一番!ラブラブ!

These are the cherry blossoms that I saw today. Absolutely breathtaking.



ぜひ、明日、朝9時から13時まで、BAYFM 78.0 聞いてくださいね!!ニコニコ

I'll be on the air live again tomorrow morning from 9am to 1pm so make sure you tune into BAY FM 78.0!!!!

XOXO Love, シャウラドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ