Hello everyone!音譜





先週の土曜日、3月10日には神戸ワールド記念ホールで神戸コレクション 2012 S/S のファッションショーが行われました!!ラブラブ





Hey guys, I've been on a crazy schedule lately and haven't really had the time to sit down and write my blog. There is so much that I want to write about! So, bear with me and I will slowly but surely upload everything.
Last week Saturday, I appeared as a guest model in the 2012 Kobe Collection S/S fashion show. Last year, Kobe Collection was canceled due to the earthquake, so this year there were a lot of emotions running through me.
After my live radio show on Friday I went to Kobe and rehearsed until the wee hours of the night. The next day I was in the collection from morning to night and after the show I DJed at the the after party. It was a busy busy 2 days, but it was also an extremely fun and fulfilling two days spent in Kobe.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

見て見て~!!!Xperia x Kobe Collection!!! 会場でこちらを発見!!本番前日のリハ中でチェック!チョキ

I found a huge ME for Xperia x Kobe Collection!! Big me and mini me! Hee Hee

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


This was my hair and makeup for the show. Natural makeup with wavy hair. Loved it.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


I had so many outfits during the show that I hardly had anytime to eat lunch! Busy, yes. But it was amazingly fun!

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


Bang curling

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


During the short waiting periods that I did have backstage, I was non-stop on my laptop looking for new music for my DJ set that night.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

今回のショーでスペシャルライブをしてくれたのは親友の Crystal Kay!! メールでは良く話してるけど最近全然会ってなくて久々でした~!!!会えて嬉しかったよ~!!クリちゃん、相変わらずパワフルな歌声とカッコイイダンスを披露してくれたよ!!さすがだな~彼女のライブはいつ見ても最高だな~!アップ

My good friend Crystal Kay performed a special live during the show, which was absolutely amazing! She is such an amazing singer and dancer that I never get tired of watching her perform. I think that she is by far one of the best artists in Japan. We always keep in touch but I hadn't seen her in so long! It was so nice to see her again. REUNITED!!



今夜は「地球テレビ エル・ムンド」の生放送!!アップ

23:00~ NHK BS1 見てね~!!合格

Well, I need to get to work soon, so this is it for today! Be sure to keep checking my blog because I'll be uploading pics from my DJ set at the Kobe Collection after party.
Also, be sure to check out my live TV show EL MUNDO tonight on NHK BS1 from 11pm.

XOXO Love, シャウラドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ