Hello everyone!音譜


3月2日に渋谷109にオープンしたルームウェアブランド、 mercy. のプレオープンに行って来ました!!ラブラブ




Hey guys, the other day I went to the invitation only pre-opening of a new room wear brand called "mercy." The shop just opened March second on the 8th floor of Shibuya 109. I was actually looking for some new room wear so the timing of this opening was perfect! There were so many cute things that I ended up leaving with a huge shopping bag full of cuteness. haha.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

mercy. キュートなルームウェアもあれば、ポップな物もあり、セクシーなルームウェアもありますよ!!! みなさん、渋谷109の8階に遊びに行ってね!!クラッカー

mercy. had a fairly large selection of both cute& girly room wear as well as colorful& playful room wear which was really fun to look at.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


This cardigan type robe can actually be turned into a blanket if you unbutton the side buttons. For long flights, long rides on the location bus, and cold cold studios, this is the perfect solution. Not to mention its adorable and really soft. They had this in both light pink and purple. I chose the pink.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


This is the robe that I'm wearing as I write this blog. haha. The second I brought this home, I have been wearing it non- stop. It has a classic shape and its a beautiful white with cute knitted details. Out of everything that I got this has to be my favorite. This thing is so comfortable that I fall asleep without taking it off. By far the most comfortable robe I have ever owned.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

そしてこちらが mercy. の全デザインをしている小島さん!!とっても優しくて大好きになっちゃいました!ありがとうございました~!!ドキドキ

This is a photo of me and Kojima-san, the designer of mercy. She was so sweet I fell in love with her. Thank you for everything Kojima-san!!

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba


mercy. also has a big selection of uni-sex room wear which was really cool. I loved that they had all of these girly pastel items but also had all of these colorful items.

シャウラ オフィシャルブログ「From My Lips!」by Ameba

このガラスに入ってる可愛いピンクの mercy. キャンドルもゲットしましたよ!ラブラブ!

This pink candle in glass also came home with me that night. Adorable. So, if you go to Shibuya 109, make sure you check out mercy. on the 8th floor!


みなさん、ルームウェアをお探しなら mercy. をチェックしてね!!ラブラブ

XOXO Love, シャウラドキドキドキドキドキドキドキドキ