Essay Writing Tips to Make Your Ideas Crystal Clear
Essay writing is one of the traditional and well-proven approaches that contribute to the improvement of your level of education. Academic assignments of this kind not only polish your writing skills, but also help you learn the required material better in the process of research. Hence, even if your main discipline is not philological, you will not be able to avoid written compositions. Some professors say, “Writing makes your mind flexible, no matter what is your end goal.”
The main paradox is: despite incessant essay writing assignments, students find this part of education the most challenging. Logically, the more you write, the more knowledge you gain. However, the core intricacy of academic papers lies in its wide range of topics, along with a variety of essay types. For example, once you mastered narrative essay writing, your mind gets puzzled when you are assigned with an expository composition. Moreover, you constantly have to scrutinize miscellaneous sources – each scholarly author has their methods and unique embodiment of ideas. Some study material is easy to follow, while particular books and manuscripts are satiated with complicated terms you have to decode hour upon hour. Unfortunately, a universal template for a perfect essay is impossible to produce. Fortunately, it means that every new essay has an innovative potential, so you have to be proud of belonging to the part of the world that essay writes on a daily basis.

Make a Vibrant Beginning
As the essay’s author, you have to sound authoritative. Certain tricks of persuasion are needed here. Only remember, you cannot convince your audience if you lack evidence. We give special prominence to the beginning, as it sets the tone of your narration or investigation, drawing attention of the prospective readers. Your introduction should sound vibrantly and reasonably. That is where your audience sees whether your thoughts have been properly organized. Before the actual start, dedicate your time to jotting down the ideas that should be highlighted unfailingly. The more detailed your essay plan is, the easier it will be to make your sentences meaningful and stimulating.

Generate a Well-Argued Thesis
Do not underestimate the function of a thesis statement, as it unravels the underlying concept of your written work. To facilitate your thesis brainstorming, there is one question to remember: what do you want your audience to learn above all? Get back to your lists of main ideas that will be exposed in your essay and find the fundamental one. Your focal aim, which unifies all the background you studied, should be reflected in a thesis statement.

Unravel Your Thoughts Further
As your essay ideas are disentangling, you have to provide clear reasons to justify your thoughts. Form your reflections around evidence. Your research can contain topical statistics on the issue. Also, some meaningful quotations will help you to develop your opinions. High-profile quotes function as influencers when you lack ideas – only never misuse citing others. Sometimes, it is favorable to tell individual stories or find exceptional samples, which were not divulged before. It is also important to learn to pose the right questions, as the answers might turn into new ideas. Although the direction of your composition may change in the process, your target audience must grasp the central concept right from the start. Besides, if your ideas alter significantly before you reach your conclusion, then you have to modify your thesis statement as well.

Structure Your Essay Diligently
The essence of your essay reflects its purpose – so your ideas must be arranged around it. For instance, the sequence of thoughts in essays focused on narration must be organized chronologically. Sometimes, this order can be interrupted by significant flashbacks. To create a thorough argument, it is better to arrange the specific reasons, from the most important to the less relevant ones. Note: creative types of essays can have a more self-governed structure.

Avoid Writing Ramblings
When your professor does not specify the essay’s length, it may be a trick to check your sense of reasonable word count. An extremely short essay will disclose your intention to get away with it. In contrast, a lengthy essay may contain excessive peripheral points, which could have been omitted. A small secret is: if you organize all your paragraphs, considering every sentence written and creating coherence between them, it is unlikely you will spill too many needless reflections. Focus on answering the quintessential question that can be synced with your thesis statement.

Dedicate Some Time to Forming Conclusions
Although the conclusion should contain elements of newness, do not confuse it with presenting a new topic (even in the investigated sphere). Restate your main research question and provide answers that are connected to the ideas you illuminated throughout the paragraphs. Some experienced students find it helpful to start their essays with the concluding part. Why? You will know the final destination of your ideas.

Prioritize Your Points
Before filling all your paragraphs with ideas, delve into the analysis of their relevance. Write down a set of questions regarding the important points and answer them one by one. Also, do your best to spend an equivalent amount of time highlighting the essential issues, as writing your opening paragraphs may take more time. This way it will be easier to meet your deadline and make your paragraphs proportional.

Final Tips to Memorize
When you complete the first draft, we suggest that you check your evidence once more. As writing is a creative process, it is normal to transform the initial contextual direction after your primary attempt. Return to your introduction and reread the essay. As practice shows, you usually have to modify or even rewrite the beginning section, as more meaningful germane ideas tend to appear in the middle of your text. It is worth the effort, as your readers will be grateful for the clarity and unique content.

About the author: Sharon Wright is a smart and creative person, enthusiast writer with an endless source of ideas. She always has a fresh topic for discussion. Sharon takes her inspiration while traveling and exploring new locations. Every new adventure and experience she turns into a new story on her blog.