"PDF_  The Leveled Up Life: The No Excuse Blueprint to Live Up to Your Fullest Potential


David Atkins, successful business coach and personal development guru, has always lived his life according to a set of principles that revealed themselves to him at an early age.At the ripe age of twelve, he set a goal to earn the money to buy a 3000 batting machine and cage.Between fifteen and sixteen, he undertook rigorous physical training to ultimately become an open-water lifeguard.At twenty-nine he suffered the tragic loss of his best friend, a Mobile Response Team member, in a police shootout.By thirty-three, he overcame naysayers and haters to become a million-dollar earner and motivational speaker.Now David shares all these learnings and teaches you his success principles in The Leveled Up Life. Stories from his life will inspire and motivate you to live a life by design, not by default, and reach your fullest potential.Always giving 100 percent, David is grateful to live life on his own terms &#8211 a Leveled Up Life!David Atkins is a former New York State Trooper who rose 