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Kuroshima is a small fishing village, located in the north west coast of Noto Peninsula. Houses in Kuroshima are covered by Black weatherboards.

During the "Edo" Age (1603 - 1868), Kuroshima was governed by "Edo" Bakufu directly, the central government in Japan. 
Kuroshima was a port for freight vessels named "Kitamae-Bune", which were merchant cargo between Osaka to "Ezo", currently Hokkaido Area, through Seto Inland Sea and along the coast of the Sea of Japan. Kuroshima prospered by domestic trade by "Kitamae-Bune" in the "Edo" Age.

Houses with black weatherboards continue along a small street. 
The below picture shows the site of HAMAOKAYA Residence. 
HAMAOKAYA was a wealthy shipping agency.

To the north, "Kuroshima Royal Precinct Merchant Cargo Ship Shiryokan Museum" is located. 
The museum shows the history of "Kitamae-Bune" and displays related items.

If you walk further to the north, the former "KADOMIKE" Residence is located. "KADOMIKE" was also a wealthy shipping agency. 
The residence is open for the public.

To the west of "KADOMIKE" Residence, WAKAMIYA Hachiman Shrine is located on a hill.

From the shrine on a hill, you will see the sea of Japan behind houses with black tiled roofs. 
The view is very impressive.

After visiting Wakamiya Shrine, visited "KADOMIKE" Residence. "KADOMIKE" Residence was originally built in the "Edo" Age. 
It was destroyed by fire in 1871and completely rebuilt, later.

KADOMIKE Residence has many rooms. At the entrance of the main building of the residence, "Choba", the account room, is located. Rooms behind "Choba" was for the shipping agency business.

Back side of the main residence building. You will see a couple of other buildings are connected to the main residence building. 
Behind the main residence building, warehouses are located.

Inside of warehouses makes you feel the history of "Kitamae-Bune". You can imagine that many goods delivered from Osaka oy "Ezo" (present, Hokkaido) would have been stored in these warehouses.



KADOMIKE Residence is the symbolic building of Kuroshima Village. "KADOMIKE" Residence is designated as an important historical property of Japan. Kuroshima is designated as a Conservation District of Traditional Buildings.

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