イメージ 1

Otaru city is located to thirty kilometers west from Sapporo. The Otaru Port opened at the beginning of
the Meiji Age and the railroad line was constructed between Horonai, where was the coal-field, and
Temiya in Otaru to ship out. As a result, Otaru flourished and the population of Otaru increased up
to 200,000 at the best time in the
early 1960's.

Otaru Canal

If you walk east from Otaru Station, you will reach to Otaru Canal. You will see red brick and stone
warehouses along the canal.

イメージ 2

After World-War-II, the coal production in Horonai has been reduced, and the canal and these historical
warehouses finished their historical roles and were abandoned. In 1966, a stupid plan raised up to
destroy the canal and all these warehouses, in order to make a wide motorway. People in Otaru were
against this plan, and the canal and warehouses remain as we see today.

イメージ 3

A walkaway instead of motorway was built along the canal in 1986 and many people now come to Otaru
to enjoy the scenery of Otaru Canal. Now, sightseeing is the main industry of Otaru City.

Sakaimachi Historical District

Two blocks west from the canal, there is a historical district. When Otaru flourished before
World-War-II, there were many banks in Otaru. Many bank buildings still remain in this area.
These were built in the late 1890s or at the beginning of twentieth century.

イメージ 4

The above picture shows the Otaru Branch of Bank of Japan, built in 1912. Otaru Branch of Bank of
Japan is now the Bank of Japan Otaru Museum. The architecture of these bank buildings are stone
buildings and well westernized.

The south of these bank buildings, historical district is located along Sakaimachi Street. This area
was a main street at the late 1890s and the beginning of the twentieth century, when Otaru was
prosperous. Many store buildings remain along the street.

イメージ 5

Many of these store buildings were made of timber framed stone construction. In Japan, buildings
with this type of western architecture are not common, so that this scenery gives Japanese very
exotic atmosphere. Many sightseers also visit this area.

イメージ 6

It happened that a carriage passed through. If there were no automobiles behind of the carriage,
it would have been in the beginning of the twentieth century.

For more detail, please visit the page of "Your Destinations in Japan", "Your Destinations in Hokkaido"

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"Explore Historical and Exotic Japan"