Covering a window can be very fretful because these shadesprotect the home interior against the adverse effects of sunlight and at thesame time provide a trendy look to the room. There re various types of windowshades are available in the market that includes solar shades, roman shades,cellular shades, roller shades, woven wood shades and etc. . Pleatedshade is one ofthe popular ways of dressing and casing the window.


What is Pleated Shade


 Pleated shades aregenerally made up of pleated and stiffened fabrics. When . pleatedshades arelifted, the pleats get collected in a symmetrical manner and gather at top mostportion of window. To get a wonderful look it is very important to choose theright fabric for the shade. Various textures, patterns, colors and weaves areused to make the shade according to the demands of the customers on request.These shades provide protection and privacy to the residents of the house.Nowadays, decorative window shades have become indispensable in interiordesigning for the use of this shade also has been increased to a large extentcompared to the past.


Pleated Shade- Usesand benefits


This is a popular way or dressing the windows because irprovides protection and at the same time give a fashionable look to theinterior. People who want to decorate their house can think on buying pleated shades because this is shades offer a unique look totheir home.


*        Pleated shades are obtainable in a wide range ofcolors. These are available in various exciting colors that include pastelpink, sober apricots and dreamy blues. Strong and dark colors states a uniquefashion statement for the people who love to experiment with decorations oftheir home. An infant room cannot be decorated in the same way that of asenior’s room. There are different colors and sizes of shades are available inthe market for people of different age group.


*        Pleated shades are used in protecting peopleagainst the harmful ultraviolet rays and at the same time it also preventsdiscoloring of furniture.  These shadesmake the internal environment soothing and comfortable and allow theinhabitants to get rid of the discomfort from any extreme weather condition.



*        Maintaining these kind of shades are not at alltough deal. Vacuuming, feather dusting, or even a light dusting on daily basiscan keep the dust away.


*        Along with the time it also saves money. Insummer time when is roller blind fabric put down it keeps the weather comfortable and foe thisreason sometime you also don’t have to put on the air-conditioning. On theother hand, in winter sometimes you don’t have to start the heater as theshades can warm up the room.