I wanted to share some new musical finds with you all that I've enjoyed quite a bit over the last two weeks.

I thought some of you may find enjoyment in some of these as well.

It's all from a website called "Bandcamp".

Now I've been aware of Bandcamp for 7-8 months as I originally signed up to support my friend's single record that he released back in January.
(I'll be putting a link to said single record later on in the post.)

I normally don't like to buy non-physical releases that's why I strayed away from Bandcamp, but recently I found out that the artists on Bandcamp often sell Vinyl and Tapes of their releases.

Needless to say, my wallet is a bit more empty after finding that out! hahaha

Moving on, here are a couple of favorites of mine that I've found on Bandcamp so far:

Ram Dass (2019) by East Forest / Ram Dass

This was one of the first recent releases I found on Bandcamp, and I've really liked it!

It reminds me of "An American Prayer" by The Doors, a very relaxing spoken-word style.

開かないゲーム屋 "Akanai Game Ya" by 何野周

Ever since I bought this single a couple of weeks ago, I've must have listened to it at least 2-3 times a day.

Very catchy (Even though I can't understand any of the words) and has a really nice chord progression.

One of the reasons I really like this song so much is the fact that it sounds like it would fit right on the "Friends" album by The Beach Boys.

I really look forward to more stuff by this artist!

There are currently only 4 cassettes left of this release, get one while they're still there!

Lowlife by Starhouse

This single record was the reason I signed up to Bandcamp in the first place.

The artist of this record is my friend Ben and his group "Starhouse".

I really like the candidness of the lyrics:

"I never wanna see you again, you're a low-life."

Anyways from what I've heard from Ben, they're still working on an EP or full album release, not sure when it's coming out though. I'm looking forward to that as well.

Digging through Bandcamp and listening to all sorts of obscure songs has been a ton of fun for me. 

Mind you it's hit and miss at times, some weeks you'll have tons of good new music and other weeks not so much, even on the "miss" weeks I'll usually find at least one or two new releases that I'm interested in.

Gettin' on the bus, I'm goin' to BAND CAMP.