

(4)ビットコインが本質的に予測可能な理由 Why Bitcoin is Inherently Predictable 







Power Laws in Conflict and Violence

Power laws are not limited to urban growth; they also apply to more chaotic and seemingly unpredictable events, such as conflicts and violence. The work of researcher Sean Gourley has shown that the distribution of fatalities in wars follows a power law. This means that while most conflicts result in relatively few deaths, there are a few extreme events with a large number of casualties. The same power law distribution applies to the time between wars, suggesting that even the occurrence of wars is governed by predictable, mathematical patterns.

Gourley’s research highlights that power laws are not just academic curiosities; they are deeply embedded in the fabric of human society, influencing even the most extreme forms of human behavior. The fact that such patterns emerge in the context of war — a situation often viewed as chaotic and unpredictable — underscores the power of these mathematical relationships.

Power Laws in Crime and Terrorism

Further evidence of power laws in human behavior comes from studies on crime and terrorism. Research has shown that the frequency and severity of terrorist attacks follow a power law distribution. Just as with fatalities in war, most terrorist attacks are relatively small in scale, but a few are devastatingly large. This pattern is consistent across different regions and time periods, indicating that it is a fundamental characteristic of terrorist activity.


Similarly, the occurrence of crimes in cities follows a power law. The majority of crimes are minor, but there are occasional spikes in serious offenses. This distribution reflects the underlying social dynamics and interactions within urban environments, which are governed by the same mathematical principles that apply to other complex systems.

The Ubiquity of Power Laws in Human Systems

The examples of city growth, war, crime, and terrorism illustrate that power laws are not only applicable to human behavior but are a fundamental aspect of how human societies function. These patterns are not exceptions; they are the rule. From the distribution of wealth in an economy to the timing of revolutions and the size of companies, power laws describe a wide range of phenomena in human systems.

The difficulty many people have in accepting this idea likely stems from the fact that human behavior is often seen as too complex, too free-willed, or too variable to be captured by simple mathematical formulas. However, the empirical evidence overwhelmingly supports the view that, at the collective level, human actions do indeed follow predictable patterns. These patterns emerge naturally from the interactions of individuals within a larger system, resulting in power law distributions that can be observed and measured. 


Bitcoin’s behavior over the past 15 years has been remarkably consistent with a power law, spanning eight orders of magnitude. This adherence to a scale-invariant relationship makes Bitcoin inherently predictable, offering a robust framework for understanding its future trajectory. While this does not guarantee specific outcomes, it provides a strong basis for making informed hypotheses about Bitcoin’s growth and evolution.

As with other scale-invariant systems, once Bitcoin settled into its power law behavior, it continued to follow this trajectory. This suggests that, despite the volatility and uncertainty often associated with cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin’s long-term growth is governed by predictable and well-established principles. For traders, investors, and analysts, recognizing and understanding this power law relationship is key to navigating the future of Bitcoin. The power law should be celebrated as a sign of Bitcoin's mathematical and philosophical beauty, its uniqueness, and inner intelligence, and the organization should not be despised by ill-informed and myopic investors who want an unpredictable, unbridled, and chaotic growth of Bitcoin for selfish reasons. Bitcoin is a power law, a pattern of nature that makes Bitcoin more similar to planets, galaxies, and living organisms than a mere asset.

Bitcoin is a Force of Nature.


Written by Giovanni Santostasi


Physicist, neuroscientist, financial analyst. CEO and Director of Research at Quantonomy: https://www.quantonomy.fund/giovanni-santostasi-phd















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