

(1)ビットコインが本質的に予測可能な理由 Why Bitcoin is Inherently Predictable 





​Why Bitcoin is Inherently Predictable



Giovanni Santostasi

Aug 11, 2024
2024 年 8 月 11 日


In the world of finance, predictability is often considered an elusive trait, in fact, an entire fundamental financial theory, the Market Efficiency Hypothesis claims that markets are unpredictable and any observed inefficiency is immediately exploited and canceled out by
market forces. Yet, amidst this apparent chaos, Bitcoin — the world’s first and most prominent cryptocurrency — has exhibited a remarkable degree of predictability. This predictability stems from an underlying mathematical concept known as a power law, which has consistently explained Bitcoin’s behavior over the past 15 years, spanning eight orders of magnitude. In
addition, Bitcoin demonstrates cyclic periodicity with extremely high precision in comparison with traditional assets, where seasonality, if present is weak and not consistent. Both the long-term behavior and its consistent seasonality make Bitcoin inherently predictable.

Understanding Power Laws 

A power law is a mathematical relationship where one quantity varies as a power of another:

y = C ⋅ xᵐ


    • y and x are the variables.
      y と x は変数。


    • C is a constant that scales the relationship.
      C は、関係を拡大縮小する定数。


    • m is the exponent. Unlike other relationships that may only apply within a specific range, power laws are scale invariant. This means that the relationship holds true across different scales, whether we examine small or large values. For Bitcoin, this implies that the growth patterns observed in the early years can be extrapolated to much larger
      scales, providing a robust framework for understanding its future trajectory.
      m は指数です。特定の範囲内でのみ適用される他の関係とは異なり、べき乗則はスケール不変です。これは、小さな値を調べるか大きい値を調べるかに関係なく、関係がさまざまな規模で当てはまることを意味します。ビットコインの場合、これは、初期に観察された成長パターンをはるかに大きな規模に外挿できることを意味し、将来の軌道を理解するための堅牢なフレームワークを提供。


​The Power Law in Bitcoin

Since its inception in 2009, Bitcoin’s price has followed a power law. This is evident in the logarithmic plots of Bitcoin’s price against time, which show a straight line — indicative of a
power law relationship. Over the course of 15 years, Bitcoin’s price has grown in a precise mathematical fashion, adhering to this power law over eight orders of magnitude.

This consistency is not merely a coincidence; it suggests that there are underlying mechanisms driving Bitcoin’s growth in a predictable manner.

These mechanisms could include network effects, adoption rates, and feedback loops of all kinds, all of which contribute to its price behavior over time. We already wrote on both these

How we can derive the main power laws via modeling Bitcoin as a network:


The Power Law Theory is a full fledge Theory of Bitcoin that shows the causative links of all the different on-chain parameters:


​Scale Invariance and Predictability

The concept of scale invariance is crucial to understanding why Bitcoin’s adherence to a power law makes it inherently predictable. In a scale-invariant system, the same rules apply at every scale.

Let’s analyze this more specifically. Let’s look at the example below. We see the power law. The purple line is the usual long-term relationship. The wavy line is a full model where we add to the general trend also periodic oscillations and even decay of the observed tops. Let’s focus mainly on the general trend or purple line.

The graph presented is a powerful visual representation of Bitcoin’s price behavior over time. What immediately stands out is the triangular pattern formed by the price movements when plotted on a logarithmic scale. This pattern is a hallmark of proportionality (changes the
size of a triangle leaves everything proportional).

In the context of this graph, the straight line on a log-log plot signifies that the price of Bitcoin has increased proportionally with time. However, this increase is not linear in the traditional sense. Instead, the line represents a relationship where the scale of the price (y-axis) changes in proportion to the scale of time (x-axis). This is the essence of a power law, where one variable varies as the power of another.
このグラフのコンテキストでは、ログログプロットの直線は、ビットコインの価格が時間とともに比例して上昇したことを示しています。ただし、この増加は従来の意味では直線的ではありません。代わりに、線は、価格の目盛り (y 軸) が時間の目盛り (x 軸) に比例して変化する関係を表します。これがべき乗則の本質であり、1つの変数が別の変数の累乗として変化します。

Scale Invariance and Predictability

Scale invariance is a key concept in understanding why Bitcoin’s behavior might be predictable. In a scale-invariant system, changes in one dimension (like time) require proportional changes in another dimension (like price) to maintain the same relationship. This means that, as time progresses, the system “scales up” in a predictable way. For Bitcoin, this has been evident in the way its price has grown over the years, following a consistent pattern that spans several orders of magnitude.
規模不変性は、ビットコインの動作が予測可能である理由を理解するための重要な概念です。規模不変システムでは、1 つの次元 (時間など) の変化は、同じ関係を維持するために別の次元 (価格など) の比例的な変化を必要とします。これは、時間が経つにつれて、システムが予測可能な方法で「規模が拡大」することを意味します。ビットコインの場合、これは、数桁にわたる一貫したパターンに従って、その価格が長年にわたって成長してきた方法で明らかです。

Because the graph shows that Bitcoin’s price has followed this power law relationship so consistently over time, it provides a strong basis for hypothesizing that this behavior will continue in the future. The straight line in the graph isn’t just an arbitrary fit; it’s a reflection of the underlying scale-invariant nature of the system. This scale invariance implies that the same rules that governed Bitcoin’s growth in the past will likely continue to apply, even as the system scales up to new magnitudes.

The triangular pattern seen in the graph further emphasizes the idea of scale invariance. As Bitcoin’s price has scaled up, the time intervals between significant price movements have also scaled. This is why the graph expands outward in a triangular fashion — each step up in price requires a proportionate step up in time.
— 価格が一段上がるたびに、時間も比例して一段上がる必要があります。

Given that Bitcoin has exhibited this scale-invariant behavior across so many orders of magnitude, it is scientifically reasonable to hypothesize that it will continue to do so. The
fact that Bitcoin has consistently adhered to this pattern over 15 years, despite various market conditions and external factors, strengthens this hypothesis.


I realize that this is a difficult concept to accept, not much in the logic of it that once understood as “everything is proportional” is not that difficult conceptually. What is difficult for many people is to accept that a financial system that comprises of complex interactions by many agents, in many countries, at different times can express itself in such a simple and predictable pattern. But it is a fact. It is an undeniable fact. It is a most striking aspects of Bitcoin’s price behavior that over the years is how well it adheres to a power law — a simple, yet profoundly powerful mathematical relationship.

What makes this observation so compelling is not its complexity, but rather its simplicity and clarity. The power law governing Bitcoin’s price is not a theoretical construct or a complex model that requires extensive mathematical gymnastics to understand. Instead, it is an empirical observation, plainly visible to anyone who examines the data.
Many professionals in the field have done so and arrived to the same conclusion. At a minimum, the Bitcoin Power Law is part of the history of Bitcoin and understanding it allows us to understand better what Bitcoin is.















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