

サイファーパンクがビットコインとデジタル通貨の時代にどのように火をつけたか(How Cypherpunks Ignited the Era of Bitcoin and Digital Currencies) 





How Cypherpunks Ignited the Era of Bitcoin and Digital Currencies



Aug 9, 2024

The Cypherpunk movement, combining cryptography with a “cyberpunk” ethos, was the driving force behind Bitcoin’s inception. Emerging in the early 1990s, this group of cryptographers, activists, and technologists championed the use of cryptography to protect digital privacy against pervasive surveillance. Inspired by concepts and ideologies from A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto, they believed that “privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age” and that “we cannot expect governments, corporations, or other large, faceless organizations to grant us privacy out of their beneficence.”

Defining ‘Cypherpunk’ and Its Origins
The term “Cypherpunk” itself is a playful fusion of “cipher” and “cyberpunk,” coined by Jude Milhona, a prominent figure in the early days of cyberculture. Cypherpunks advocated for the use of strong cryptography to achieve privacy and security in an increasingly digital world. Their core belief was that cryptographic tools could empower individuals to protect their personal information from intrusive governments and corporations. Eric Hughes distilled these ideals in his seminal work, “A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto,” emphasizing that privacy in the electronic age was essential and could only be achieved through the widespread use of cryptography.

Hughes emphasizes that “Cypherpunks write code,” underscoring the notion that practical implementation of cryptographic solutions is crucial to defending privacy rights. This commitment to action-oriented advocacy differentiates cypherpunks from other privacy advocates.

These ideals laid the groundwork for various technological innovations aimed at preserving privacy and enhancing security. The principles emphasized in Hughes’ manifesto have not only inspired numerous projects but also directly influenced the development of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Pioneers of Privacy: Key Figures in the Cypherpunk Movement
David Chaum is a crucial figure in the world of anonymous communication and digital cash. His groundbreaking work on blind signatures laid the foundation for untraceable electronic mail and payments, introducing the world to concepts that would eventually lead to decentralized cryptocurrencies. Chaum’s creation of DigiCash in the late 1980s aimed to establish a secure and private form of digital currency, although it faced various obstacles that prevented its widespread adoption.

The pioneering work of Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman on public-key cryptography transformed how secure communications are conducted over insecure channels. Their introduction of this cryptographic protocol in 1976 solved the critical problem of enabling secure transactions without needing a shared secret key. This innovation not only underpins modern encryption techniques but also serves as a cornerstone for secure digital transactions and communications today.
ホイットフィールド・ディフィーとマーティン・ヘルマン の公開鍵暗号に関する先駆的な研究は、安全でないチャネル上での安全な通信の方法を変えました。1976年にこの暗号化プロトコルを導入したことで、共有秘密鍵を必要とせずに安全なトランザクションを可能にするという重大な問題が解決されました。この革新は、最新の暗号化技術を支えるだけでなく、今日の安全なデジタルトランザクションと通信の基礎としても機能します。


















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