

(2)暗号通貨取引の仕組み:包括的なガイド How Cryptocurrency Transactions Work: A Comprehensive Guide 





​Generating a Cryptocurrency Wallet Address: The Role of Cryptographic Hashing
暗号通貨ウォレットアドレスの生成: 暗号化ハッシュの役割​

In this case, aside from the public and private keys, we also have the cryptocurrency wallet address.

Now, to generate this address, what you do is to use precisely that very public key — remember the public key was generated off of the private key, and plug it into a cryptographic hashing algorithm. This is another type of one-way mathematical algorithm that takes any input and converts it into a fixed-length random string of alphanumeric code called a “hash.”
さて、このアドレスを生成するには、まさにその公開鍵を使用します — 公開鍵が秘密鍵から生成されたことを思い出してください。そして、それを暗号ハッシュアルゴリズムに差し込むことです。これは、任意の入力を受け取り、それを「ハッシュ」と呼ばれる英数字コードの固定長のランダムな文字列に変換する一方向数学的アルゴリズムの別のタイプです。

Hash codes could be said to be “unique” and “deterministic.” In other words, each entry creates a completely unique hash code that is the exact same value each time it is run through the algorithm.
ハッシュコードは、「一意」で「決定論的」であると言えるであろう。つまり、各入力は、アルゴリズムを実行するたびにまったく同じ値である完全に一意のハッシュ コードを作成します。

As with public and private keys, it is impossible to look at a hash and know which entry created it.

This hash, which serves as the address of a cryptocurrency wallet, is what users share to receive incoming cryptocurrency transactions.

​Private and Public Keys’ Storage Solutions: Hot Wallets vs. Cold Wallets
秘密鍵と公開鍵の記憶ソリューション: ホットウォレットとコールドウォレット​

Hot wallets are so called because they store the keys online in the wallet software itself.

On the other hand, this also makes users vulnerable to attacks from cyber-criminals.

The private and public keys of a cold wallet are stored offline on the physical device.

Therefore, it is practically impossible to attack cold wallets over the Internet. Now, the drawback is that every time a user wants to make a transfer, they have to connect their cold wallet to a computer or smart device.

While this issue is less of a problem for the long-term holders who trade very infrequently, it does develop as a headache for more active traders who keep on transferring funds from one address to another.

​Processing Cryptocurrency Transactions on a Blockchain Network

​Overview of Blockchain Technology

Anyone in the world can participate in managing a public blockchain network, as long as they have access to the Internet and a smart device. Most blockchain networks take steps to “decentralize” the platforms and ensure that no one person or central authority can take control of the blockchain ledger.

Users who voluntarily take the time to become active participants in a blockchain network are known as “nodes.” Nodes can perform various functions, such as maintaining a complete history of transactions or carrying out the very important task of validating data.

What is a Blockchain? Understanding the Virtual Chain of Data
ブロックチェーンとは? データの仮想チェーンを理解する​

Think of a blockchain as, well, a virtual chain of boxes (or “blocks”), inside each of which is some quantity of data. For cryptocurrency networks, this data is mostly transactional information: who has transferred what, to whom, and at what time.

As new transactions are issued to the network, new blocks must be created, filled with the new data, verified, and added to the chain.

All blocks added to the blockchain are permanent and immutable, so it is impossible to go back and change the information stored in the finalized block. That’s why data validation is so important. Every piece of information about transactions has to be checked by the nodes in the network, which all have to agree on something for valid transactions to pass.

Since there is no one central authority implementing the network, the validation system is automatic to default on agreeing to all the nodes that new data added to the blockchain has been committed. This system, which is applied in block chain networks, especially in Bitcoin to mine valid transactions, prevents other people from injecting fake transactions into the network.

Simply put, this is a mechanism for reaching an agreement.

While different blockchains cope with the problem by various styles of consensus mechanisms, all of them are trying to achieve the same goal: maintaining accurate ownership and transaction information.

To this day, proof of work and proof of stake remain the most widely used systems in the cryptocurrency space.

​Understanding Transaction Fees in Cryptocurrency Payments

Namely, every user of any given cryptocurrency has to pay a certain premium in exchange for its service known as a transaction fee. Sometimes, this is referred to as a gas fee, due for his or her payment to get processed.

Now, since we have explained the various components making up the process of a cryptocurrency transaction, let us look at how a payment works from start to finish.

These could vary depending on the blockchain and how congested it is at that very moment.

Some cases allow users to add a tip to the transaction fee to encourage validators to help them quicker by placing them over others in the queue.

​Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Signing a Cryptocurrency Transaction

It’s also worth pointing out that nearly all of the steps mentioned in this list are done automatically by the underlying code of the Bitcoin protocol and by the nodes on the network. All the Bitcoin user has to do is enter the amount of crypto they want to send, copy and paste the recipient’s public wallet address, and hit send.

​The process of sending a transaction consists of three phases:
トランザクションを送信するプロセスは、次の 3つのフェーズで構成されます。​

l   Transaction

l   Issue


l   Settlement
















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