

お金を自分のために働かせること:DeFiで不労所得への初心者向けガイド(Make Your Money Work for You: A Beginner’s Guide to Passive Income in DeFi) 






Make Your Money Work for You: A Beginner’s Guide to Passive Income in DeFi



Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash 写真、アンスプラッシュのオーステイン デステイル撮影


Apr 19, 2023

There are several reasons why you should start earning a passive income in DeFi (Decentralized Finance):

l Higher Returns: DeFi protocols typically offer higher returns on investment than traditional financial instruments, such as savings accounts or bonds. By earning a passive income in DeFi, you have the potential to earn significantly more money on your investments.
より高い運用益: DeFiプロトコルは通常、普通預金口座や債券などの従来の金融商品よりも高い投資運用益を提供します。DeFiで不労所得を得ることで、投資で大幅により多くのお金を稼ぐ可能性があります。

l No Central Authority: DeFi is decentralized, meaning there is no central authority controlling the network. This makes the system more resilient and less susceptible to manipulation or fraud by any single entity. Additionally, the decentralized nature of DeFi means that there are no intermediaries involved in transactions, which can reduce transaction fees and increase efficiency.
中央集権的当局なし: DeFiは分散型であり、ネットワークを制御する中央当局者はありません。これにより、システムの回復力が向上し、単一の実体による操作や詐欺の影響を受けにくくなります。さらに、DeFiの分散型の性質は、取引に関与する仲介者がいないことを意味し、取引手数料を削減し、効率を高めることができます。

l Transparency: DeFi protocols are built on open-source technology, which means that anyone can audit the code and verify that the system is operating as intended. This provides a higher level of transparency and accountability than traditional financial systems.
透明性: DeFiプロトコルはオープンソース技術に基づいて構築されているため、誰でもコードを監査し、システムが意図したとおりに動作していることを確認できます。これにより、従来の金融システムよりも高いレベルの透明性と説明責任が実現します。

l Accessibility: DeFi is accessible to anyone with an internet connection, regardless of their location or financial status. This opens up investment opportunities to people who may have been excluded from traditional financial systems.
接近性: DeFiは、場所や金融状況に関係なく、インターネットに接続している人なら誰でも接近できます。これにより、従来の金融システムから排除されていた可能性のある人々に投資機会が開かれます。

l Diversification: Investing in DeFi can help diversify your portfolio, which can reduce risk and increase potential returns. By earning a passive income in DeFi, you can add a new asset class to your investment portfolio and potentially increase your overall returns.
分散化: DeFiへの投資は、ポートフォリオの分散に役立ち、リスクを軽減し、潜在的な運用益を増やすことができます。DeFiで不労所得を得ることで、投資ポートフォリオに新しい資産クラスを追加し、全体的な運用益を増やす可能性があります。

l Inflation: Your money loses value as USD as well as any other FIAT currency is susceptible to high levels of inflation due to central banks printing quite large amounts of it. DeFi is a great place to steer your wealth quickly, as you can always trade crypto to stablecoins at times of declining crypto prices.
インフレ: あなたのお金は米ドルとして価値を失いますが、他の法定通貨は、中央銀行がそれをかなり大量に印刷するため、高度のインフレの影響を受けやすくなります。DeFiは、仮想通貨価格が下落しているときにいつでも仮想通貨をステーブルコインに取引できるため、富を迅速に運用するのに最適な場所です。

In summary, making your money work for you in DeFi can offer higher returns, greater transparency, accessibility, and diversification opportunities compared to traditional financial systems.

Start with a Decentralized Wallet, MetaMask
MetaMask is a popular Ethereum wallet that allows users to store, send, and receive Ethereum and other ERC-20 tokens. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to download, set up, and use Metamask, including buying ETH with USD, connecting to a dApp, and creating an LP position on Uniswap.

To download and set up Metamask, follow these steps:

Step 1:
Go to the Metamask website and download the extension for your browser. Metamask is available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave, and Opera.

Step 2:
Once you have installed the extension, click on the Metamask icon in your browser and create a new wallet. You will be asked to set a password and back up your seed phrase.

















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