

(1)ChatGPTが生成した戦略による実世界の実験(A Real-World Experiment with ChatGPT-Generated Strategies) 





​​A Real-World Experiment with ChatGPT-Generated Strategies

​Showcasing the true potential of AI and optimization in trading

NexusTrade — AI-Powered Finance (NexusTrade — AIを活用した金融)


Austin Starks

Oct 10, 2023

When I posted my article on the ChatGPT-generated strategy outperforming the market, reactions were predictably mixed. Redditors in particular on subreddits like /r/OpenAI and /r/Quant were
extremely skeptical. “ChatGPT is just a language model!” some pointed out. “If this ChatGPT-based strategy is such a game-changer, why aren’t you sipping champagne on a yacht somewhere?”

While the internet is a tough crowd to please, what got lost in the chatter was the very essence of what I aimed to showcase: the utility of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in the formulation of trading strategies. See, while it’s interesting that ChatGPT can outperform Buy and Hold on a backtest, what’s more interesting is how fast I was able to create such a strategy.

But nevertheless, I am curious… Is ChatGPT a better trader than human-traders?

Psst! The original article was posted on Aurora’s Insights. Subscribe to stay up-to-date with AI, Finance, and the intersection between the two!
ここだけの話! 元の記事はAuroraInsightsに掲載されました。 AI、金融、および2つの交差点に関する最新情報を入手するには予約購読してください。

So today, I’m here to take the experiment to its next logical step — deploying it into the real-world, or at least, as real as paper trading can get. We are running an experiment comparing 3
fundamentally-different approaches: Buy and Hold, a ChatGPT-generated strategy, and optimized versions of those strategies. In this experiment, we’ll show how simple it is to configure 5+ different portfolios and deploy all of them live to the market. We’ll then follow-up, and see how well those portfolios do live in the market.
そこで今日、私はこの実験を次の論理的なステップに進めるためにここにいます - それを現実の世界に展開するか、少なくとも紙での取引が得るのと同じくらい現実的です。私たちは、ChatGPTが生成した戦略である「買いそして保有」と、それらの戦略の最適化バージョンという、根本的に異なる3つのアプローチを比較する実験を行っています。この実験では、5つ以上の異なるポートフォリオを設定し、それらすべてを市場にライブで実装することがいかに簡単かを示します。その後、フォローアップを行い、これらのポートフォリオが市場でどの程度有効かを確認します。

For more context on how I developed a strategy that beat the market with ChatGPT, check out this article: ChatGPT generated my algorithmic trading strategy. It beat the market.
ChatGPTで市場を打ち負かす戦略をどのように開発したかについては、こちらの記事をご覧ください: ChatGPTがアルゴリズム取引戦略を生成しました。それは市場を打ち負かしました。

​A Tool, But A Powerful One

It’s natural that people were skeptical — I mean, the idea that ChatGPT is secretly a Wall Street veteran is a little absurd. Nonetheless, the utility that GPT provides for algo-trading is a little more subtle. Let me break it down.
人々が懐疑的だったのは当然です - つまり、ChatGPTが密かにウォール街のベテランであるという考えは少しばかげています。とはいえ、GPTがアルゴリズム取引にもたらす有用性は、もう少し微妙です。それを分解させてください。

ChatGPT can produce text that serves as ready-to-go configurations for trading platforms like NexusTrade. This means that it can generate backtest settings, optimization variables, and even core strategy configurations. In other words, ChatGPT is an invaluable tool for traders that speeds up the testing and deployment process exponentially.

To put simply, ChatGPT is nothing more than a tool. An extremely powerful tool, but a tool nonetheless. Similar to how a calculator doesn’t transmute you into a mathematician, LLMs aren’t going to transform you into a Wall Street Wizard overnight. But rather, a savvy trader
using these tools can generate strategies faster, test them more meticulously, and bring them to the market more efficiently. A process that would have taken a trader months can now take them minutes. That’s impressive.

Want to learn more about NexusTrade? Check out this article: I created an open-source automated trading platform. Here’s how much it’s improved in a year.
NexusTradeについてもっと知りたいですか? この記事をチェックしてください: オープンソースの自動取引プラットフォームを作成しました。これが1年間でどれだけ改善されたかです。

​The Road to Deployment: A Detailed Walkthrough
実装への道: 詳細なチュートリアル​

So let’s demonstrate the true utility of
ChatGPT — the ability to configure and test multiple different trading
strategies with ease.


For this venture, we are pitting three
distinct methodologies against each other: Classic Buy and Hold, a
ChatGPT-designed strategy, and optimized variants of these strategies. All
strategies will exclusively use technical indicators, steering clear of company
fundamentals for this round.


​The Experiment

Our experimental design pits a ChatGPT-generated strategy against traditional methods such as Buy and Hold, with a twist: We’re also including several optimized versions of the original
strategy for good measure. After all, what’s an experiment without a few variables to shake things up?

All strategies will be performed using technical indicators. Company fundamentals, which are often utilized to formulate trading strategies, will not be used for this experiment. A future
experiment could incorporate this type of data to see if it would improve the results.

​The Control Groups

​Control 1: Buy and Hold of SPY

This is our baseline — a straightforward purchase and hold strategy for SPY, the ETF that mirrors the S&P 500.
これが私たちのベースラインであり、S&P 500を反映したETFであるSPYの簡単な購入保持戦略です。

​Control 2: Buy and Hold of TQQQ

Here we hold TQQQ, a leveraged ETF that tracks the NASDAQ-100. This is our ‘high-stakes’ control.















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