

ザ・ブロックリサーチのアナリスト達:2024年の予測(The Block Research’s Analysts: 2024 Predictions) 






The Block Research’s Analysts: 2024 Predictions


The Block

by The Block Research


JANUARY 2, 2024


The Block Pro Research team makes its predictions about what will happen in 2024.

Our 2023 predictions can be read here.


The projects mentioned in our reports are not recommendations from our team and should not be misconstrued as investment advice. Many projects that appear in this outlook are highly experimental and, as such, will come with risks. Readers should evaluate their own risk tolerance before experimenting with these projects.

Every year, The Block Pro Research's team of analysts make predictions on what we think will be the new trends, narratives, and expectations for the new year. This year's predictions include our thoughts on how artificial intelligence will play into crypto, whether we believe the Bitcoin ETF will be approved, and much more.

Consensus predictions

General expectations of crypto prices to appreciate in 2024, driven by a risk-on environment.

Approval of Bitcoin ETF in Q1 2024.

Bullish narratives include Real-World Assets, Decentralized Physical Infrastructure, and Artificial Intelligence.

Coinbase as a strong performer and beneficial to the institutional adoption of crypto.

Increased adoption in Ethereum-based rollups from activation of proto-dank sharding/EIP-4844.

Analyst predictions

George Calle

Total crypto market cap, along with key large caps (BTC, ETH, and SOL), will appreciate amid a generally risk-on environment in 2024. Crypto will broadly outperform broader equities and tech sector indices. A cash-settled BTC ETF happens in early Q1, but BTC dominance will falter through most of the year as investors turn to alternatives with greater potential upside.
2024年は、主要な大資本 (BTC、ETH、SOL) とともに、仮想通貨の時価総額が全般的にリスクオンの環境の中で上昇すると予想されます。仮想通貨は、より広範な株式やハイテクセクターのインデックスを広く凌ぐでしょう。現金決済型のBTC ETFは第1四半期の初めに登場しますが、投資家がより大きな上昇の可能性を秘めた代替銘柄に目を向けるにつれて、BTCの優位性は年の大半を通じて揺らぐでしょう。

The Dencun Upgrade, which introduces proto-dank sharding, will occur in late Q1 or early Q2 2024. This will result in a fundamentals-driven rally across L2 tokens and their ecosystems as net profit margins grow. This will also drive a speculative cycle around platforms that service the broader modular blockchain stack.

The DeFi sector will benefit from both financial and technical innovation sowed in 2023. Regarding the former, the growth of liquid staking protocols in 2023 will allow for staking yields to permeate into broader types of DeFi products, such as interest-bearing stablecoins, pushing up ‘risk-free rates’ across the sector. Regarding the latter, new yield-optimizing DeFi products will start to leverage account abstraction and multichain protocols to pass on multi-loop and cross-chain strategies to users.

The DePIN sector will experience a renaissance amid the growth in either the real or perceived utility of decentralized infrastructure for AI. Given AI needs computing, datasets, storage, and potentially a common unit of exchange, this rally will likely touch many existing players within the DePIN sector while also catalyzing the development of new players.

In public markets, COIN will continue to be the crypto equity that performs the strongest given its (i) role as custodian for multiple approved ETFs, (ii) growth in international markets and launch of adjacent exchange products in the US, and (iii) potential upside from developing an L2. Circle may IPO, but performance will be comparatively lackluster amid shrinking stablecoin market share and risk of reduced profits due to potential rate cuts.

Steven Zheng
2024 is the year we see modularity vs integrated approaches finally play out. Ethereum will ship proto-dank sharding and, alongside modular protocols like Eigen Layer and Celestia, really kick off a wave of appchains rollups, which we’ve already seen versions of with OP Stack. I predict we will see at least 20 “Ethereum-aligned” appchains with $1B TVL or more. On the integrated side, the resurgence of Solana and Sei Network, plus the anticipated launch of Monad, will show the industry how powerful parallel processing/execution can become. I expect the top 10 market cap will include two layer 1 blockchains primarily focused on parallelization.
2024年は、モジュール化と統合型アプローチがついに実現する年です。イーサリアムはプロトダンクシャーディングを出荷し、EigenLayerやCelestiaなどのモジュラープロトコルと並んで、OP Stackですでにバージョンが見られるアプリチェーンロールアップの波を実際に開始します。私は、少なくとも20の「イーサリアムアライメント」アプリチェーンが$1B以上のTVLを持つと予測しています。統合面では、ソラーナとセイネットワークの復活に加え、モナッドの立ち上げが期待されており、並列処理/実行がいかに強力になるかを業界に示すことになります。時価総額トップ10には、主に並列化に焦点を当てた2つのL1ブロックチェーンが含まれると予想しています。

Coinbase will become a half-trillion-dollar company. The first Bitcoin ETF will break inflow records for ETF launches. No Ethereum ETF approval. Decentralized computing becomes a refreshed narrative on the back of the AI hype. The top 10 coins by market cap (not counting stablecoins and wrapped assets) will include two memecoins. NFT season will see a resurgence of activity induced by a handful of airdrops from major marketplaces and projects. Ordinals make up 25% of Bitcoin miner fee revenue in 2024.

Eden Au
In terms of price action, spot BTC ETF approval is a “sell the news” event. Still, BTC sets a new all-time high. ETH outperforms BTC amid spot ETF speculation. Likewise, COIN outperforms BTC as Coinbase becomes the go-to custodian for major spot ETFs. TIA emerges as an outperformer, capitalizing on community discussions surrounding (over-)extreme blockchain modularization, unfazed by a “bullish unlock” event in Q4. Tokens related to non-EVM layer-2s (e.g., Eclipse and Stark net) and decentralized computing get bids.
値動きの面では、スポットBTC ETFの承認は「ニュースを売る」イベントです。それでも、BTCは史上最高値を更新しました。ETHはスポットETFの投機の中でBTCを凌いでいます。同様に、コインベースが主要なスポットETFの頼りになる保護保管者になるにつれて、COINはBTCを凌ぎます。TIAは、第4四半期の「強気のロック解除」イベントに動じることなく、(過度に)極端なブロックチェーンのモジュール化をめぐるコミュニティの議論を利用して、凌ぐものとして浮上しています。EVM以外のL2(EclipseやStarknetなど)や分散型コンピューティングに関連するトークンが入札されます。

Regarding scaling, the successful implementation of EIP-4844 has no significant short-term impact on L2 adoption. Arbiturm One and OP Mainnet remain the most popular L2 by some margin. Application-specific L3s are launched. On the other hand, certain Cosmos sidechains generate organic traffic facilitated by the adoption of native USDC via Noble.
拡張に関しては、EIP-4844の実装が成功しても、L2の採用に短期的な大きな影響はありません。Arbiturm OneとOP Mainnetは、依然として最も人気のあるL2です。アプリケーション固有の L3 が起動されます。一方、特定のコスモスサイドチェーンは、Nobleを介したネイティブUSDCの採用によって促進される自然発生的トラフィックを生成します。

In the realms of DeFi, (re)staking ignites a liquidity black hole that sucks in so much ETH.

Derivatives DEXs emerge as top performers due to UX improvement and recovering market conditions. Tokenized securities and private credit see sustained growth, propelled by the emergence of RWA-focused lending protocols. Prediction markets experience a resurgence ahead of the US presidential election.

NFT trading volume gradually recovers, but OG collections such as CryptoPunks and BAYC do not set new all-time highs in floor price. Ordinals haters attempt to fork Bitcoin but fail. In the arena of AAA games, Parallel and Illuvium witness explosive adoption among crypto natives which catalyze a “GameFi season.”

Conversely, social, private, and insurance sectors undergo a phase of stagnation. AI-related products struggle to find product-market fit despite narrative-driven speculation.

Brandon Kae
The AI sub-sector of the crypto industry will likely be one of the best-performing sectors of the year. Key issues with traditional models, such as centralization and regulatory challenges, will likely prompt growing interest in open-source, “decentralized” AI/ML developments. Moreover, the crypto industry’s enablement for market participants to invest and speculate on AI-related opportunities that are otherwise unavailable in traditional markets will only add fuel to the narrative fire.

At least 1 AI-related project enters the top 10 by market capitalization by the end of the year, and many more reach multi-billion dollar valuations.

ETHBTC ends the year higher than it started, but “the flippening” does not happen.

Telegram trading bots will experience product developments that enhances their UX and will maintain their popularity among market participants despite inherent security risks.

At least one NFT collection will surpass the market capitalization of BAYC, as well as launch their own token and achieve mass recognition among non-crypto natives.

Abraham Eid
With an increased focus on tokenizing securities in traditional finance, we’ll see a larger number of acquisitions of crypto-native infrastructure platforms to enable investment firms, banks, and financial market infrastructure players to more quickly solidify their digital asset product portfolios. We’ll also see more large-scale investment firms tokenize ETFs & Money market funds on-chain, similar to Franklin Templeton’s approach with their Benji Investments FOBXX fund.

Web3 gaming will continue to struggle to find product-market fit despite receiving more positive speculation aided by exponential advances in generative AI.

















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