

(4) ザ・ブロックリサーチのアナリスト達:2024年の予測 The Block Research’s Analysts: 2024 Predictions 





Edvin Memet


As the market heats up, participants will allocate an increasing amount of time searching for alpha (near-immediate gratification/feedback) rather than engaging in airdrop farming. To address this shift, users may turn to airdrop farming-as-a-service providers. This could lead to a speculative increase in the market cap of this category (~10x?), especially if/when the first successful proof of concept emerges (i.e. avoiding detection and successfully farming a substantial airdrop).

Memecoin market cap will reach at least $75B, up from almost $25B currently. As the landscape becomes more saturated, "meta-memecoins'' such as $BITCOIN HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu) will outperform due to clearer differentiation from other memecoins. A meta-memecoin will break $1B in market cap and/or breach top 5 memecoins by market cap. 

ETH staking percentage will continue to steadily increase at a rate of around 1% per month. Consequently, LDO/ETH will break ATHs. ETH performs well, possibly better than BTC. However, L2s might not outperform ETH as the space becomes increasingly crowded. In any case, many of the top L1s from the previous cycle will outperform L2s. Solana-killer narrative emerges, with the likes of Sei, Aptos, NEAR, Sui among the candidates. Sei and NEAR will outperform all of them, including Solana. 

The approval of a Bitcoin spot ETF will have a positive impact on price but will not significantly affect on-chain activity. Therefore, onboarding and educating new users become key focus
points, whether through NFTs/Ordinals, games, social platforms, trading bots, or educational and credential initiatives. The "Telegram bot" category will continue being disrupted and fragmented by new entrants without meaningfully driving adoption from normies yet. However, Arkham or another unexpected contender might eye entry into the space. NEAR is expected to do well due to its focus on user experience and onboarding strategies. NFT
projects with a credible chance of entering mainstream awareness à la Pudgy Penguins are also predicted to thrive. The floor price of low-inscription-number Ordinals (e.g. <10k) will at least double. 
ビットコインスポットETFの承認は価格にプラスの影響を与えますが、オンチェーンアクティビティに大きな影響を与えることはありません。したがって、新規ユーザーのオンボーディングと教育は、NFT/オーデイナルズ、ゲーム、ソーシャルプラットフォーム、トレーディングボット、教育およびクレデンシャルイニシアチブなどを通じて、重要な焦点となります。「テレグラムボット」のカテゴリーは、新規参入者によって混乱し、断片化され続けるでしょうが、まだ一般企業からの採用を有意義に促進することはできません。しかし、アーカムや他の予想外の競争相手が、この分野への参入を狙うかもしれない。ニアは、ユーザー体験とオンボーディング戦略に重点を置いているため、好調に推移することが期待されています。また、Pudgy Penguins(ずんぐりしたペンギン)のように主流の認知度を高める可能性が確実なNFTプロジェクトも繁栄すると予測されています。低刻印数オーデイナルズ(例:<10k)の最低価格は少なくとも2倍になります。

Florence Kuria


In 2024, memecoins like Shiba Inu are expected to thrive, propelled by their large communities and transition from Ethereum to their own blockchains, promising more growth. The Shibarium blockchain, for example, a layer-2 network using SHIB tokens for transaction
fees, is expected to boost Shiba Inu's credibility in the DeFi sector. However, traditional memecoins like Doge might lose some market share to newer memecoins, such as the rapidly popular BONK coin built on the Solana blockchain, as investors increasingly focus on these novel coins.


Atharv Deshpande

In 2024, the cryptocurrency markets are expected to outperform broader equity markets, with the notable exception of COIN. Despite predictions, ETH will not surpass BTC in market value, and similarly, SOL will not overtake ETH. Launching a Bitcoin ETF will initially calm the markets, followed by a significant influx of liquidity into BTC. This surge will initially favor Bitcoin, but the anticipated Ethereum ETF will trigger a bullish trend for ETH. Ethereum's liquid staking, currently the ecosystem's strongest narrative, is expected to gain substantial traction.

As Ethereum introduces dank sharding and emphasizes modularity, the appchain thesis will strengthen, reinforcing the potential of application-specific blockchains. Additionally, 2024 will see an increase in layer-2 adoption, with notable price movements in Arbitrum (ARB)
and Optimism (OP).


The collective market capitalization of memecoin tokens is projected to exceed $50 billion by the end of 2024. Following the trend set in 2023 by BONK, another memecoin is expected to
achieve unicorn status in 2024.


Layer-1 blockchains will continue to dominate the Top 100 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. However, there will be an increasing share of Layer-2 solutions and memecoins, indicating a diversifying and evolving crypto landscape.

Kevin Peng

2024 will be a transformative year for the crypto industry, with the approval of Blackrock’s Bitcoin ETF jump-starting a new wave of institutional and subsequent retail flow. Lingering PTSD from 2022 and increasingly fragmented market attention will make it difficult for
underdeveloped narratives to achieve escape velocity. Improved on-chain tooling will give rise to all-time highs in on-chain activity, enabling more memes and grassroots tokens to launch than ever before. Most will burn out quickly, but a very small handful of these will survive the year and break into the top 25 by market cap.


Surging on-chain activity will push blockchains to their limits and converge market attention around the ongoing integrated vs modular systems debate. Disagreement between proponents of these two approaches will become more extreme but will benefit both sides in terms of investor capital allocation. Integrated blockchains that support parallel execution will become rapidly more popular, while the deployment of functional data availability and zk-rollup scaling solutions will revive attention and support for L2s as well. Multichain protocols will also benefit from these narratives, with existing Cosmos chains becoming more vertically integrated and more interoperable at the same time. Solana will continue its resurgence and
become the third-largest blockchain by market cap. 

AI will grow into a strong narrative, spawning countless new protocols that attempt to capture retail attention in this sector. Crypto will see a new use-case as the decentralized exchange of
value for a wide range of AI-based services, but the cross between AI x crypto will ultimately fail to produce a protocol or company that can achieve long-term product-market fit in 2024. The crypto gaming sector will continue to mature, flirting with mainstream attention at times but mostly seeing increased acceptance from hardcore gamers, setting the stage for future growth. 

Lars Hoffmann

2024 is the year the crypto industry finally gets its first US Bitcoin ETF. Multiple ETFs will be approved at the same time and further structured Bitcoin products will emerge in TradFi over
the course of 2024. While a big win for the industry, it's a terrible look for Gensler and the SEC, which effectively had to be forced by court decisions to finally allow for a Bitcoin ETF. Post approvals, attention will shift to the first US Ethereum ETF and help the Ethereum ecosystem to finally catch a bid. The Nakamoto upgrade for Stacks in Q1 coupled with the Bitcoin halving in April/May will lead to further attention for Bitcoin and a memecoin/DeFi
attention season on Bitcoin.

US-wise, both SBF and CZ will be found guilty and both will do jail time, albeit much more for SBF. Q4 2023 market performance made the FTX estate whole. Nonetheless, FTX customers won't see their assets anytime soon. Increasing attention will be drawn to how the bankruptcy estate is not acting in the best interest of FTX retail customers, both in terms of the high fees billed as well as in terms of cash vs. in-kind redemptions. The US election in September 2024 will prove pivotal for the further treatment of crypto in the US. Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and South Korea will keep making small steps on their currently friendly crypto policy path, with Hong Kong getting increasingly bold in order to try to overcome the
serious loss of business to Singapore during the lockdown years.

While 2023 activity has been mostly driven by institutions and incumbents, 2024 will bring back more genuine retail users. Surging on-chain activity will once more increase fees, push blockchains to their limits, and make the alt L1 narrative blossom once more. New ecosystem
participants will onboard rather on Solana and other alt L1s than on Ethereum. The modular vs. monolithic question will ring once more through the Ethereum ecosystem, as many L2s fail to draw meaningful economic activity. Coupled, these two trends will lead to serious questions being asking within the Ethereum ecosystem about where to go from here. Moreover, new ecosystem participants will push both Gaming projects and memecoins to new heights. NFTs will also catch a serious bid once more, with legacy media putting renewed attention on pfps.
















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