

(2)2024年の主要仮想通貨予測​The Major Crypto Predictions for 2024 





​#2 “Dog Coins” to Be Underperformed
#2 成績が低いとされる「ドッグコイン」​

There is an article about four main predictions for 2024 from Sean Williams, the author of the MotleyFool website since 2010. It discusses the prospects of two popular cryptocurrency tokens, Dogecoin ( DOGE) and Shiba Inu ( SHIB), and how they are expected to perform in the future. The writer believes that these “dog” coins will continue to underperform the overall crypto market. Although they had decent returns in 2023, they could not match Bitcoin’s gains.
2010年からMotleyFoolのウェブサイトの著者であるSean Williams氏による、2024年の4つの主要な予測に関する記事があります。ドージコイン(DOGE)とシバイヌSHIB)という2つの人気のある暗号通貨トークンの見通しと、それらが将来どのように機能すると予想されるかについて説明します。筆者は、これらの「ドッグ」コインは、暗号市場全体の成績を低くし続けると考えています。彼らは2023年にまともな収益がありましたが、ビットコインの利益に匹敵することは不可能でした。



Source and Copyright © Shiba Inu on TradingView 出典と著作権© TradingViewのシバイヌ

According to the writer, the main issue with DOGE and SHIB is that they are payment coins, which means they can be used to pay for goods and services. However, many other cryptocurrencies also offer this feature, so they do not offer any unique value proposition. Furthermore, they lack real-world utility, as only a small number of companies accept them as payment.



Source and Copyright © DogeCoin on TradingView 出典と著作権© TradingViewのDogeCoin

The writer also warns investors about the risks associated with payment coins that experience massive price increases. Such coins usually lose a significant amount of their value in the years following their rally, with only a few exceptions like Bitcoin. Although DOGE and SHIB have already experienced significant price retracements, their valuations are still overinflated, according to the writer. The writer attributes the high valuations of DOGE and SHIB to social media hype, rather than any inherent value in these tokens.

​#3 NFTs Are Coming Back!
No.3 NFTは戻ってくる​

While searching for the best, loudest, and most worthwhile predictions for the Crypto market in 2024, we’ve found the article “How NFTs Will Make a Comeback in 2024” on CoinDesk.com. It discusses the anticipated resurgence of NFTs in the coming year and their potential to drive Web3 adoption. The shift towards smaller, more affordable NFT products that target a broader consumer market, as well as the increasing involvement of established brands and companies in the NFT space will be made throughout the whole market.
2024年の暗号市場について、最高で、最も騒々しく、最も価値のある予測を探していたところ、CoinDesk.com で「NFTが2024年にカムバックする方法」という記事を見つけました。来年予想されるNFTの復活と、Web3の採用を促進する可能性について議論しています。より広範な消費者市場をターゲットにした、より小型で手頃な価格のNFT製品への移行や、NFT分野への既存のブランドや企業の関与の増加は、市場全体を通じて行われるでしょう。

Speculators are returning to crypto, leading to an increase in monthly NFT volumes. Top NFT collections on Ethereum, improved crypto games, and new Bitcoin-based offerings are becoming more popular.



Source and Copyright © VanEck 出典と著作権© VanEck

Another important issue in NFTs returning to the market is in the direct value creation and practical use of NFTs, moving away from a sole focus on high-value assets and speculation. The potential for NFTs to serve as a means for companies and creators to engage their customers and build a community around their brands will be underlined and appreciated more than ever. CoinDesk predicts a positive outlook on the future of NFTs, citing their expected impact on the cryptocurrency landscape and broader economy. NFTs can shape the digital asset market in the coming year, and we’ll try to watch that out!

​#4 Stablecoins to Replace Visa
#4 Visaに代わるステーブルコイン​

Stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a stable value, have become one of the most popular applications of digital currencies. In just four years, their market worth has grown from almost nothing to $137 billion.

With the crypto market rebounding and stablecoins being increasingly used for payments and remittances, we predict that 2024 will be another significant year of growth for stablecoins. We anticipate that stablecoins will settle more transactions than Visa, which may seem far-fetched, but they are already very close to achieving this milestone.


Source and Copyright © Bitwise Investments Research 出典と著作権© ビットワイズ投資調査

​#5 The Wildest Predictions for 2024
#5 2024年の最もワイルドな予測​

​Elon Musk’s Token Launch

Twitter’s rebrand as X sparked speculation about crypto integration due to Elon Musk’s interest. However, in August, Musk tweeted that X will never launch a token, and nothing substantive has come from the hype. But, who knows, maybe Musk will come up with something like this in 2024. His denials are not always true.

BONK Will Reach $10 Billion Market Cap

BONK, a Solana-based dog coin, which we analyzed in our Scamometer rubric, saw the biggest rally of 2023 after being listed on Coinbase. It has surged by 300% in the last 30 days and now has a market cap of over $1 billion. People in X predict it to overcome $10 billion!

​JPMorgan Will Tokenize a Fund

JPMorgan has been exploring opportunities in the real-world assets sector. Its blockchain division, Onyx, conducted tests to tokenize portfolios on permissioned blockchains. However, in a recent Senate Financial Services Committee hearing, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon expressed a contrasting opinion about cryptocurrencies, stating that they could be shut down.



In summary, the predictions for Bitcoin in 2024 reflect a mix of bullish and cautious outlooks, with experts highlighting the potential impact of regulatory changes, institutional adoption, and macroeconomic trends on its performance. The varied nature of these predictions underscores the dynamic and complex nature of forecasting Bitcoin’s performance in the year ahead.

The predictions about the “Dog coins” show that more meme coins will underperform in comparison to traditional digital assets. It means that we need to focus on the fundamental crypto market and follow the main trends underlined by experienced investment funds, analysts, traders, and crypto-enthusiasts.

What about the NFTs coming back? The trend for making NFTs more conscious and functional is a great comeback for the industry that has almost been zero-profit in 2023. We’ll see what’s going to happen, but this prediction seems to be promising!
NFTが戻ってくるのはどうですか? NFTをより意識し、機能的にするトレンドは、2023年にほぼゼロの利益だった業界にとって大きなカムバックです。何が起こるかは見ものですが、この予測は有望なようです!

The next prediction with the stablecoins replacing Visa is an interesting one. Will people be more likely to use USDT and USDC than Visa or fiat money? Time will show, but the trend is underlined by several authoritative funds and media.
ステーブルコインがVisaに取って代わるという次の予測は興味深いものです。人々はVisaや不換紙幣よりもUSDTやUSDCを使用する可能性が高いのでしょうか? 時が経てばわかるだろうが、この傾向はいくつかの権威あるファンドやメディアによって強調されています。

The funniest predictions are also the topic for discussion, because the Elon Token, JP Morgan tokenizing, and BONK reaching a $10 billion market cap are insane and simultaneously not. The crypto world is an unpredictable one, and the market can shock you anytime! Thus, we’ll see what it prepares for us.
イーロントークン、JPモルガンのトークン化、BONKの時価総額が100億ドルに達するのは非常識であり、同時にそうではないので、最もおかしな予測も議論のトピックです。暗号資産の世界は予測不可能なものであり、市場はいつでもあなたに衝撃を与える可能性があります! したがって、それが私たちのために何を準備しているかを見ていきます。

In the end, it is also important to note that these predictions are not guarantees but represent informed estimates based on market trends and analysis. The crypto industry is known for its volatility and is subject to various external factors, so investors should approach these predictions cautiously and conduct their research before making any investment decisions.

The materials found on the Cryptonica website shall not be taken as individual investment recommendations. Cryptocurrencies are financial assets with high risk and volatility. It is crucial that you conduct your own research on financial instruments and make independent decisions. Before engaging in any actions related to cryptocurrency, you shall study, understand, and comply with the laws applicable in your region and country.

Originally published at cryptonica.news




















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