

(3)Web3トークノミクスの設計方法 How to Design Web3 Tokenomics 





Given that liquidity is often small, the mathematical result of the bounding curve is that a $1 of buying volume often leads to value creation for the entire pool of investors to be much greater than $1, hence the value is entirely fictitious and only possible as long as most investors do not sell their assets.

Projects typically request vesting periods for those pre-allocated tokens, however the vesting is often short such as 1 or 2 years. This means, a massive increase of supply of the token will become in-circulation in the first few years of the project and this is a lot of potential selling volume. What’s worse is that often the project vesting occurs at a specific time point instead of having daily vesting, as such investors receive a large amount of tokens to sell at the same time as other investors instead of spreading the vesting.

Given this potential selling volume, adoption consequently needs to be massive in order to have more buying volume than selling volume, and this is where the problem is, more crypto-assets become pure pump and dump unable to sustain the selling pressure within the first few years. It becomes very risky to buy into such projects in their early stages after the initial launch on the market. Lots of projects end up just spending insane amounts of money on marketing and publicity which boost buying volume, but most often have no effect on real value creation for the ecosystem.

Overall, when evaluating crypto-assets, it is critical to look at the fully diluted market capitalization (FDMC) versus the market capitalization in circulation (MCIC) (FDMC — MCIC = unallocated supply). As well as the vesting period of pre-allocated tokens, and the distribution strategy of the remaining unallocated token supply. If the total market capitalization in circulation is let’s say $1B USD, but the sum of all liquidity available on exchanges (both CEX, DEX) is only $100M, this means if everyone withdraws their money, the price could collapse to the point that most investors would suffer significant financial losses (bank run scenario). Therefore, there needs to be an incentive for users to remain part of the economy when adoption starts plateauing or worse decreasing.
全体として、暗号資産を評価する際には、完全希薄化後の時価総額(FDMC)対流通時価総額(MCIC)(FDMC — MCIC = 未割り当ての供給量)を確認することが重要です。また、事前に割り当てられたトークンの権利確定期間、および残りの未割り当てトークン供給の配布戦略。流通している時価総額の合計が10億米ドルであるが、取引所(CEX、DEX)で利用可能なすべての流動性の合計が1億ドルに過ぎない場合、これは、誰もがお金を引き出すと、ほとんどの投資家が大きな経済的損失を被るところまで価格が崩壊する可能性があることを意味します(銀行経営シナリオ)。したがって、採用が頭打ちになったり、さらに悪いことに減少し始めたりしても、ユーザーが経済の一部であり続けるためのインセンティブが必要です。

​Network Effects for Crypto-Assets

Network Effects have been identified as one of the best mechanisms for maintaining competitive advantages for businesses. For example, Facebook benefited from massive network effects as it reached critical mass adoption. Typically, network effects are when the benefit of adding an additional user increases the value for all participants exponentially. For example, 4 users in a network effect have more value together than 2 groups of 2 users taken separately. In the case of Facebook, if someone has 100 friends, then the cost of transitioning to Google Plus and starting with only 2 friends would a significant reason to remain on the Facebook platform, because it becomes impossible to transition all users at once, and people want to remain connected, the more friends you have, the more benefit and inertia you associate with the platform.
ネットワーク効果は、企業の競争上の優位性を維持するための最良のメカニズムの1つとして認識されています。例えば、Facebookは、臨界質量の採用に至ったため、大規模なネットワーク効果の恩恵を受けました。通常、ネットワーク効果は、ユーザーを追加することで、すべての参加者の価値が指数関数的に増加する場合です。たとえば、ネットワーク効果の 4 人のユーザーは、2 人のユーザーからなる 2 つのグループを別々に取得するよりも、一緒に使用する方が価値が高くなります。Facebookの場合、誰かが100人の友達を持っている場合、Google Plusに移行して2人の友達から始めるコストは、すべてのユーザーを一度に移行することは不可能になり、人々がつながりを維持したいので、Facebookプラットフォームにとどまる大きな理由になります。

When it comes to crypto-assets, the network effect is associated with financial value, the more new users join, the more wealth is accrued into the price of the asset. This network effect creates incredible fear of missing out as being early in a project can lead to 1000%+ return on your investment often within just a few months. Unfortunately, in the case of Facebook, when users start moving to other platforms, there is no financial loss to the remaining participants, which is not the case for crypto-assets, the loss of participants leads to a loss of financial wealth for the remaining participants which can lead to negative network effects. Negative network effects are when there is a significant incentive to abandon a crypto-asset before they start collapsing. Overall, this often ends up being called a pump (positive network effect) followed by a dump (negative network effect).

To this day, we have seen very few cases of crypto-assets that have built in network effects to incentivize participants to remain in the economy during a collapse. Which is one important reason why crypto-assets are known to often lose more than 90% of their value during a market downturn.

​Speculator versus Real Users

For any crypto projects, the community is composed of real users and of speculators, more often than not, successful crypto projects can have massive growth due to speculators buying the token only for the wealth generation potential. Compared to any other industry, the crypto-industry is mostly driven by speculators’ behaviors. For example, metaverse projects such as Decentraland have less than 100 players on any given day, yet have a market cap of more than $1B USD, which has been accrued mostly by speculators. Meanwhile, real successful games can often have more than 100M players daily and have a market cap lower than Decentraland.

All of these insane metrics show how the economy of crypto-assets can be driven by speculators. At the same time, this is a real danger for crypto-projects given that at any time these speculators may choose to sell their token triggering a negative network effect for real users. Reaching a plateau of adoption is often enough to trigger these speculators to move on to the next project resulting in price collapse. Unlike real users, speculators have no loyalty to a project and will simply follow the financial incentive which makes the negative network effect so impactful in a period of collapse.

​Revenue Model… not just Tokenomics


The crypto-industry was built on pure tokenomics alone, and unlike publicly listed companies on the stock market which typically generate revenues for their products/services, crypto ventures often generate no revenues at all. This is a massive problem for sustainability because it implies that once mass adoption for a crypto project starts to saturate, then it becomes very hard to maintain the price, and even considering the burning mechanism, the financial incentives become oriented toward selling more than remaining a holder. While this will raise eyebrows in the crypto-community, Bitcoin’s value is entirely dependent on scarcity and market adoption, however imagine adoption disappear, then the financial incentive to remain part of the network vanish regardless if there is scarcity or not.
















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