

(1)Web3トークノミクスの設計方法 How to Design Web3 Tokenomics 





​How to Design Web3 Tokenomics



Crypto Rookies

Feb 24, 2023

Nearly all the crypto-assets currently launched by web3 companies suffer horrible tokenomics design. This is the first in a series of blog posts that will attempt to share insights on best practice of tokenomics design and where the future is heading. This series of blog posts should be useful to web3 entrepreneurs but also for investors looking to better understand what they are investing in. Proper understanding of tokenomics is one of the most critical aspects needed for analyzing the financial value and sustainability of crypto-assets.

Evaluation of assets can be decomposed into 1) supply management, and 2) incentive boosting demand. While most of the topics in this blog post can be found elsewhere, the topic of network effects applied to crypto-assets has not been overly discussed and may come as new critical information to most in how to design or assess tokenomics. Additional blog posts will be published directed at web3 ventures in order to design their tokenomics using the latest of best practices. Let’s first do a review of micro-economics of supply and demand and its effect on prices.

​Micro-Economics of Supply & Demand

Many factors come into play when markets adjust the price of an asset. When it comes to the crypto-industry, prices of assets are adjusted by two mechanisms typically speaking, which are through a bounding curve (often used by Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) such as Uniswap), and through order books (the standard for Centralized Exchanges (CEX) such as Binance).
市場が資産の価格を調整する際には、多くの要因が関係します。暗号資産業界に関しては、資産の価格は、通常、境界曲線 (Uniswapなどの分散型取引所 (DEX)でよく使用される) と注文帳 (バイナンスなどの中央集権型取引所 (CEX)の標準) の2つのメカニズムによって調整されます。


In both of these cases, the balance between selling volume and buying volume causes the price to shift downward or upward respectively. More precisely, buying volume reduces the available supply of an asset available on an exchange, resulting in a lower ratio of token A versus token B, such that now token A is more expensive compared to token B. Therefore, increasing the demand of an asset reduces its supply from an exchange and results in a price increase. Meanwhile, a reduction of demand (selling volume), does the opposite by increasing the supply available on the exchange and consequently reducing its price.
















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