

(2)価格曲線と流動性プールに関する簡単な入門書 ​An easy primer on Price Curves and Liquidity Pools 





Liquidity is the biggest factor in crypto.


​Liquidity is king.

The deeper the liquidity pool is, the less price impact a transaction has. Remember this, it is very important in understanding how prices fluctuate.


Let’s look at a price chart for the MyToken/BUSD liquidity pair, adding 10 BUSD at every step. Your initial impression might be that you could buy all of the MyToken in the pool for 100 BUSD, however as the previous example showed the price goes up as you buy more of it.

MyToken/BUSD流動性ペアの価格チャートを、各ステップで10BUSD追加して見てみましょう。最初の印象では、プール内のすべてのMyTokenを100 BUSDで購入できるかもしれませんが、前の例で示したように、購入量を増やすと価格が上がります。

MyToken/BUSD LP in 10 BUSD increments 

MyToken/BUSD LP (10 BUSD刻み)

As you can see, adding 100 BUSD to this liquidity pool would only give you 50 MyToken in return, and would set the new price point at $4 even though you paid on average $2 per token for your 50 MyTokens. This brings us to another point; the listed price is now $4 per token and you have 50 of them, so you might expect to receive $4 x 50 tokens = $200. However if you were to return (sell) the 50 MyToken to the pool, you would only get $100 back!
ご覧のとおり、この流動性プールに100 BUSDを追加しても、見返りに50 MyTokenしか得られず、50 MyTokenに対してトークンあたり平均2ドルを支払ったにもかかわらず、新しい価格ポイントは4ドルに設定されます。ここで、別のポイントにたどり着きます。現在、表示価格はトークンあたり4ドルで、50個あるため、4ドル×50トークン=200ドルを受け取ることが期待できます。ただし、50 MyTokenをプールに返品(売却)した場合、100ドルしか戻ってきません。

Now let’s imagine this same pool began with 1000 MyToken and 1000 BUSD, and buy the same 10 BUSD increments:
ここで、この同じプールが1000 MyTokenと1000 BUSDで始まり、同じ10 BUSD単位で購入するとします。



Deeper liquidity produces less price impact 


Now 100 BUSD buys you 90.9091 MyToken instead of only 50 from the previous example. Also, the price impact of the same 100 BUSD purchase has resulted in the price only changing to $1.21 rather than $4.
これで、100 BUSDで、前の例の50ではなく、90.9091 MyTokenが購入されます。また、同じ100 BUSDの購入による価格への影響により、価格は4ドルではなく1.21ドルにしか変化していません。

In the same way that deeper liquidity means less price impact for buys, it also means less price impact for sells. This is very important to remember because so many tokens in DeFi are traded on relatively thin liquidity, which means that they are extremely volatile. In other words their price goes up and down a lot on relatively small buys.

​LP’s always produce exponential price curves

Let’s look at the price curve in another way in order to better demonstrate what happens when most of the tokens have been taken out of the liquidity pool. The chart below shows the price in BUSD as 5% of MyToken are purchased from the pool at each step.



Notice the exponential price curve as the supply of MyToken approaches 0 


Notice how the price changes ever so slightly at first, then a little bit more, then more, then it shoots almost straight up? Going from 1000 MyToken to 950 only changed the price by $0.11, but going from 100 to 50 changed the price by $300!
価格が最初はわずかに変化し、次に少し増え、さらに変化し、ほぼまっすぐに上昇するのがわかりますか?1000 MyTokenから950にすると価格が0.11ドルしか変わりませんが、100から50になると価格が300ドル変わりました。
















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