

(1)ビットコインETFはこちらです... 次のステップは?The Bitcoin ETF is Here!… What’s Next? 





​The Bitcoin ETF is Here!…

What’s Next?

Bitpush News

Jan 16、2024

After dozens of applications, years of petitioning and rejections, and numerous legal battles, the spot Bitcoin ETF applications were finally approved last week. This is a monumental occasion for the blockchain industry and is one of the most significant events in the history of cryptocurrency. Now that we are a week out and the dust has settled, it’s important to understand what comes next. Let’s explore what will happen now that we have a Bitcoin ETF, what to expect going forward, and which cryptocurrencies could be the next to trade
on the stock market.

A Bitcoin spot Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is a financial instrument simplifying investing in Bitcoin. It functions by purchasing actual Bitcoin and converting this direct ownership into tradeable shares. These shares are then listed and traded on conventional stock markets.
For investors, this translates to the ability to buy and sell shares in the ETF, mirroring the current market value of Bitcoin. This approach offers significant benefits, primarily in terms of convenience and security, compared to the current difficulties in setting up a Coinbase account and becoming educated on the importance of safeguarding private keys. Instead, buyers can
invest through an ETF using their standard brokerage accounts like Fidelity or Charles Schwab, while the ETF manages the underlying Bitcoin holdings. This is particularly great for institutions, who previously may not have had the risk tolerance or even capability to get exposure to Bitcoin in their corporate treasury.


On January 10th, the SEC approved all pending Bitcoin ETF applications, numbering 11 in total and including some of the biggest names in finance, like BlackRock, Fidelity, and VanEck. It would be one thing if only a few crypto-centric companies were offering these products,
but the fact that BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world with over $10 trillion in assets under management, is willing to put its weight and risk its reputation with this product is a staggering and incredibly promising development. Yes, BlackRock may simply be following the hype to release a product they know will do well. At the same time, their name alone helps to legitimize Bitcoin and the idea of cryptocurrencies and digital assets to retail and institutional
investors alike. This, alongside massive marketing campaigns, will make Bitcoin a true household name, and not some taboo topic that only gets brought up during price spikes and crashes. There may even be a Super Bowl ad advertising an ETF.















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