

(1)私はこれらのオーデイナルズを10個購入したが、10倍にならない限り売らない(​I Bought Ten of These Ordinals and Won't Sell Any Unless it Does a 10x) 





​I Bought Ten of These Ordinals and Won't Sell Any Unless it Does a 10x

As Ordinals sales and inscription volume skyrocket, here's why I want to have a lot of exposure to this set.


Image from Anon Ordinals Collection
アノン オーデイナルズ コレクションからのイメージ

Scott Debevic
スコット デベイック

May25, 2023

Not every Bitcoin owner invests in altcoins. However, nearly every altcoin investor owns Bitcoin. This is the narrative that gets me so excited about Ordinals. It doesn't matter if you come
from the ETH, SOL, or Polygon NFT community; everyone who collects NFTs wants to own Bitcoin Ordinals. It's just some of them may not know it yet.

The growth of Ordinals' volume and communities illustrate how powerful this concept is in digital collecting in a completely immutable space. There's also an added element with inscription numbers cataloging the history of this new asset class.

And, since no royalties are collected on secondary sales, you will find genuine communities run by teams looking to improve the space rather than a cash grab. Those successful teams will gain notoriety and mint future projects at higher investments.

I will share why I invested heavily in Anons. Also, I will explain my thesis and why my conviction rate in Anons is so high. Time will tell if my arguments are valid, and I'm ok waiting to see if I'm right.
私がアノンに大いに投資した理由を私は共有するでしょう。 同じく、私は私の命題と アノンの私の有罪判決率がそれほど高い理由を説明するでしょう。 時間が私の議論が正当であるかどうか述べるでしょう、そして私はうまく私が正しいかどうか見るのを待っています。

Image from Anons Ordinal Collection
アノン オーデイナルズ コレクションからのイメージ

​Why Anons Have a good chance at Succeeding

I'm a big fan of investing and collecting digital art with a reason to own it. I have written about other collections with low inscription numbers and unique attributes differentiating themselves from the played-out clones. I want something unique with its own story to tell.

And what better story than the Anonymous Mask to characterize in image format what Bitcoin represents? Here's what the Guy Fawkes mask represents to different people:
そして、ビットコインが表すものを画像形式で特徴付けるには、匿名マスクよりも優れたストーリーがあるでしょうか? ガイ・フォークスのマスクがさまざまな人々に何を表しているのかを次に示します。

l  Anonymity

l  Freedom of expression

l  Resistance against governmental surveillance

l  A Call for social change

We can safely argue that most Bitcoin investors agree with these tenets. So why would I want to own another Punk, Ape, or copy from another collection? As far as I know, this is the only pixel art collection with the Anonymous Mask representation.
それで私はなぜ他のパンク、 エイプ、あるいはもう1つのコレクションからのコピーを所有することを望むでしょうか?私が知る限り、これは匿名のマスク表現を持った ピクセルだけの芸術コレクションです。

Additionally, Anons have a limited supply of 500 with 258 unique wallet address holders on day two. This limited supply can be good and bad. First, sales transaction volume will be reduced. Fewer mints mean many diamond-handed collectors will not sell their pieces. For example, several 10,000 inscription projects have seen thousands of transactions showing demand is here. But, on the other hand, floor prices can move quickly with a smaller collection.
さらに、 アノンは第2日目に258のユニークな札入れアドレス保有者と一緒に500の限定された供給を持っています。 この限定された供給は良くもあるし悪くもあり得ます。 最初に、販売取引量が減らされるでしょう。 より少ない鋳造は、多くのダイヤモンドを手にした収集家が彼らの作品を売らないであろうことを意味します。例えば、10,000の登録プロジェクトは、見積もるいくつかが需要がここにあることを示している何千という取引を見ています。けれども、他方、底値がより小さいコレクションで速く動く可能性があります。

Finally, the background on most of these digital collectibles is orange. Orange is the first color the brain processes. This is why traffic cones, workers’ safety vests, firetrucks, and prisoner
jumpsuits are often orange.
オレンジは脳が処理する最初の色です。 これは来店客数コーン、労働者の安全ベスト、 消防車と囚人のジャンプスーツがしばしばオレンジ色である理由です。


Image from Anons Ordinals Collection
アノン オーデイナルズ コレクションからのイメージ















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